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Well I suppose ADRIFT might not be all entirely *puzzle* since it's really part adventure as well, however that depends on the ADRIFT game you play. I was recommended this program for when I wanted to toggle around with coding my own text based game and it turns out that I'm so addicted to it that I have almost completely forgotten with keeping up my own post count there. At anyrate I guess this is a discussion/review really on how decent it is.Review:Convenience: Learning the system is easy, really it's just a bunch of little mini windows in a larger window, each having their own segments. "character, object, task, event, room". IN which character are entities "other than the main character (that character often being declared "you")". Objects interact with the rooms, characters and or events. Tasks are what connect everything together as things *react* meaning that tasks are initiated. Events are somewhat like tasks except you don't type them down when playing, they just happen automatically. Performance: The system is broken into two types "generator, and runner" as generator "creates" the adventure and runner "runs the adventure" pretty straight forward. You type up commands however the unfortunate parts is that if you have a bad programmer then you won't know what to type where as if you have a great programmer you will know exactly to type when to type it. This is often when *hints* come in handy. All in all performance is very easy, as the game runs on low memory and saves up in low memory due to being text based. The plus is that the updated version allows one to program image windows meaning images can pop up if you program them too.Major Downside: The free version only allows 10 rooms max, 25 of everything else. And really good adventures have been known to have at least 20 rooms. The paid version has reasonable ample amount even though it's not worth buying. If you get really good you can still make excellent games with 10 rooms just make sure you have the rooms change within the program so it seems like a new room and ensure in the story line the room changing makes sense.Overall: Very simplistic and easy to use. You'll find yourself playing your own game in almost no time. *unless you are a perfectionist like myself >_>* Rating: 7/10PS: not quite sure if this whole critique/review thing is ok. please pm me if it isn't I'll make sure I put it where it is allowed asap.

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A new discovery that was recently founded:


If you go to "downloads" within the adrift website then you'll be able to find a link on the bottom of the site page. This link allows you to download older versions thusly having unlimited rooms. You will have less features (such as the battle feature being more limited) and the look is *slightly* different however in the end, the game versions are too similar to actually make a hurting disadvantage to use. So it is within this that I offer a re-rating for those of you who want a fair rating of this site's program.


Pros of Old version:

More room slots

More task slots

More character slots

More event slots

More object slots

Basically an entire adventure is guarenteed with the following above *within the old version*. This means you need not worry about how many rooms you should cut off on your next project.


Cons of Old version:

Slightly Outdated.

Battle System is really stupid. *baby battle system you might call it*.

Loss of some inserting features (you can't really say too much when putting side info into the slots).

Different Screen *the screen doesn't look friendly in any way, if anything at all it's moreso a cmd window*.

No wyswig (what you see is what you get) window editor: you have to be quite the html/dos programmer to customize your window content. (not too much just basics of everything).

Overall Rating: 4/5 (it really is more or less better than the newer 4.0 version. Give it a try if you don't believe me.)

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