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New Idea For Thieves: Leave The Paintings, Take The Security Equiptment!

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The Galapagos Art Space had a break in and almost lost items valued at about $300,000. However this theft was not what you would expect. It was not some famous painting, or a sculpture or anything else most thieves would steal, it was the security equipment that was supposed to stop them.

The building was undergoing renovations to make it eco-friendly when the theives entered through a hole under the door sometime after 6pm on Jan 15. The next morning workers found the surveillance system, worth about $270,000 missing along with some high-end computer equipment that costs $32,000.

Read the original article here.

Lol, now ya need to buy a security system for your security system. I wonder if it was luck that they ended up with it or if they somehow knew that they could get it (I am assuming that the system was also going to be installed with the renovations but the story I read said nothing about that)

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Haha, that's funny, but the painting is still going to be worth more. Maybe you take the painting while you're in the process of stealing the security equipment???

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Hahaha... thats freakin' hilarious.....But while they are in the process of stealing, they may as well have stolen the paintings as well.

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I dont know but I think the painting would be harder to sell off then the high tech equipment? If it was me I'd do the same and go for the gadgets.

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Yeah, computer equipment would be easier to off load then a painting or something. Plus if you read the story there is a picture of the hole and it might have been hard to get stuff through the hole, especially if it is a huge painting.

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