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Should I Write A Tutorial On How To Create A Wow Private Server?

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I am thinking about writing a tutorial on this but I am unsure if it would be used here and even if it would if it would break any rules of Xisto's.I can take people through step by step on how to compile one from MANGOS source code and even how to include custom patches and how to update their server and database.It will be complete with links to relevant material.Would anyone use this here?

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I would be interested in reading it as i play WOW but i dont think i would follow it as for me creating a private server to do fast level ups and get super items etc.. would take the fun out of the real game but i think it would be interesting to read.As for breaking the rules... i would suggest waiting for a Mod to agree but i think this would only break the terms of use of WOW and not actually the law and therefore would probably be allowed on here. But wait for a mod to confirm or deny.

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The servers acre actually geared twards tryign to recreate WoW as blizzard has it, not as a lot of people do and make it with overpowered gear and insane leveling and other crap that suck the actual fun out of the game.I run a server that I play on which has just about everything the same as blizzard except for some custom areas and new quests and custom mobs.It is roughly the exact same thing with just a few more bugs (because everything has to be rewritten by hand from scratch but a lot of the work has already been done as far as recreating stuff (though the couple of database projects out there are not anywhere near 100% correct (and probably never will be due to new patches and stuff being made by blizz all the time)But the kewlest part about the private server (at least in my opinion) is that you can learn what makes a server for a huge game like World of Warcraft and I am currently learning more about programming in c++ and taught myself php and sql and how to use mysql and apache and other programs used in creating games and serving web pages and working with databases.I have learned that I actually love it and that it is not as boring as a lot of people say it is. (looking at lines of code for hours on end sounds boring as heck but it is actually oddly addicting...)

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Ah i see, I imagine that such a private server could be very fun if you had several friends over with their machines and played together..anyway I see what you mean about it being interesting to see the back-end of such servers and being a PHP and MSQL coder myself i can see the attraction! I think it would be a good idea to make such a tutorial. State that it is for educational purposes etc... and that way you're safe! all tutorials are looked over by a mod before being shown to everyone so if theres a problem they will tell you about it before showing the tutorial on the forums. they wont ban you or anything so you dont have anything to loose. Just keep a copy of it in case the mods decide it cant be posted and dont save it, that way you can stick it up on the net somewhere else :o

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And I would like to point out that making the server itself is actually NOT against anything at all, HOWEVER using Blizzard's client to connect to it is against their EULA

AND IF you make even 1 cent off the server then you are guilty of copy rite infringement but unless you make money off it it falls under fair use as an educational project.

Also there is a project that is going on to create a new client so that the Blizzard client will not be a problem , no EULA issues and stuff. It is in the early stages but it looks promising and is really kewl for learning purposes. (especially seeing as you get in when it is just starting out more or less)

I think I will write the tutorial later tonight then and post it and see if the mods reject it.

EDIT: I wrote half of the tutorial but the other half will have to wait, lol its LONG!!! (yeah you kinda need to combine 3 separate projects into one to do it and there (to my knowledge) has never been a tutorial on how to do it ALL, just separate tutorials on each thing (2 or more for the main one actually) so I am kinda combining 4 or 5 tuts into one....

EDIT2: Looks like my compiling tut was accepted!!!, here is a link:

Edited by KainRacure (see edit history)

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