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Is Religious Fundamental A Stumbling Block? Is religious fundamental a stumbling block?

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Is religious fundamental a stumbling block? Means is following fundamental a wrong practice or is backward mentality in context with growth and advancement of modernworld? And if yes then why and if not then why not? Mainly i believe it all depends on what your religion teaches. If it teaches the wrong obviously it will be a block but if not then it wont. So simple as that. But most of the people doesn't agree that their religion teaches the wrong. So how to give them a common platform? Please reply.

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"Give me that ol' time religion..."Yeah, there is a problem with it. It does not ask of us to gain an understanding of why it espouses the 'thou shalt's and 'thou shalt not's. Many of them in fact tell us to just shut up and believe. Belonging to a religion because your parents belonged, because their parents belonged, is just covering your ears, closing your eyes and singing 'lalalalala' until the potential for spiritual revelation goes away. As for a common ground... that's difficult. Even among all the groups that claim to be christian, which church a person claims allegiance to is often the cause of a broken marriage, family feuds and much worse. But I think the question is thread worthy. "What do you, personally, believe?" I think I'll go start that thread... *pause* ...done. Maybe that will get you, and me, some understanding of religious commonalities.

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Well, it kinda depends. A stumbling block from what? I guess for me and my past, some parts of religion was a stumbling block! I was raised catholic and went to a catholic military school. I hated going to mass and never really understood god! In my opinion, everything that i had done in my life was a stumbling block from me getting to where i am now! Right now, i can sit with you and tell you that i put my faith in god and the works of Jesus. It isnt going to make you change your mind or anything, but it is just a way for me to tell you how god has changed my life.I really like your question, mainly because it reminds me of the changes i have gone through to be where i am and stand so strong in my faith... and believe me, i am still working on it! To be honest, i still have a hard time going to church and reading the bible and following all my commandments "like a good christian," but i could not sit in front of you and say that god has not changed my life!The thing for me is that me believing in god and living my life as the best follower of jesus i can be, does not keep me from the modern world. In fact, the bible even tells us to be prepared for the persecution and the things that we have to face as believers. The thing is about gOd is that he always was, is and always will be... GOD.I can't say that there is any perfect religion because there truly is none. When i say i am a christian, i mean that i am a person who follows christ and his actions. Most religions like catholicism, baptist, assemblies of god, pentacostal, etc... they are technically all christian but are they really a follower of christ? Do their actions and ways of life really bring out that they are a follower of christ? I'm not saying i am perfect either cause nobody in this world is. I make so many mistakes still and i have a lot to be forgiven for, but thats the power of what god has done to me!---To be honest, i can say that religion was a stumbling block to me. I was learning the wrong things in school and i always had the wrong idea of church, so i always avoided anything with religion. I graduated high school having been involved with drugs and drinking and a few felony charges, including grand theft auto! I guess the true stumbling block for me was my own selfishness. I couldnt see what my god was doing in my life and it kept me away from his plans for me!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok sorry to get sidetracked lol... anyways, with religious fundamentalism, i guess it would depend on how you view it! I live my life as best as i can based on the bible. I attend an assemblies of god church and i believe that their mission and views are right. I can say for myself, i could not go back to a catholic background, but i am not against people who have the same relationship that i do in my denomination. I think that some people get too caught up in the legalistic areas of their faith, that they really lose the whole point of what god really intended for us since the beginning of time, which is a relationship!I can say, that with some religions, it will not be able to move on to the modern world and in the end, the one true "religion" will overcome everything else!--------------------------------------We aren't here to tell people that they are wrong or stupid for believing in a different religion, but rather just showing them the truths of your own! I still get so many mormons and jehovah's witnesses trying to "convert" me even after i tell them i am christian! The difference is that i can prove my faith in every way or that i havent been able to disprove anything!

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