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Make Your Software Run Faster If your software uses fonts

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Every time you open Photoshop or Microsoft Word, it scans for all the fonts on your computer. That can take a while, especially if you have 500 of them, like me.

There are often many fonts installed on a persons computer, but the average computer user doesnt need so many fonts. For example, Microsoft Office 2003 installs a large collection of fonts, but in reality these fonts are just ugly and not useful at all. The last time I used one of those fonts was 3 years ago, and that was on someone elses computer.

And if youre a web designer, you will have a very hard time scrolling through a huge list of fonts just to find a huge collection of Microsoft failure fonts in the way, as well as some ugly fonts that you installed when you werent sober. This is maybe the time to delete some of it.

With the intent of cleaning up my font collection, I have deleted over 400 useless fonts that I never want to see, including fonts like Impact. Amazingly, after I removed all the useless fonts and kept some like Frutiger, Myriad Pro, Calibri, and Segoe UI, my word process (Word 2007) loaded almost 4 times faster! Photoshop loaded like a breeze, and it used to load as slow as the development of Windows Vista.

Warnings: If you decide to remove some fonts, remember to keep the following fonts:

Arial (TrueType)Arial Bold (TrueType)
Arial Bold Italic (TrueType)
Arial Italic (TrueType)
Courier 10,12,15 (VGA res)
Courier New (TrueType)
Courier New Bold (TrueType)
Courier New Bold Italic (TrueType)
Courier New Italic (TrueType)
Modern (Plotter)
MS Sans Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)
MS Serif 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)
Roman (Plotter)
Script (Plotter)
Small fonts (VGA res)
Symbol (TrueType)
Symbol 8,10,12,14,18,24 (VGA res)
Times New Roman (TrueType) Times New Roman Bold (TrueType)
Times New Roman Bold Italic (TrueType)
Times New Roman Italic (TrueType)
Wingdings (TrueType)
Any font with a red A for its icon.
Any font that begins with the letters MS.

I recommend backing up your whole fonts folder before you start deleting.

You might also want to keep newer Windows fonts like Segoe UI.

Now, I dont often use Macs, but Im pretty sure that removing some fonts you never use is going to speed up your computer quite a bit. Not to mention it gets rid of seizures from going to sites that use these failed fonts.

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will thanks alot that is rely cool and i have never tray this i have over than 2500 fonts installed i have never use any of them

but i dont know what to delete and what to keep

as start i will back up the font dir completly befor deleting

then i will only keep the fonts you have lested

and delete all the rest

and see if any thing gos rong

i will see what fonts i rely need to install

and re install it

1 font at time

then i will make a list

if that help speeding my pc as i hop

i will do the same on all my frinds pc's

thanks alo alot

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yep this is true the fonts are a great memeory and performance hog. If you remove all the extra fonts and keep only the system default fonts you can find a considerable increase in the system performance

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