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Post Your Favorite Easy To Make Meal. add ingredients and instructions

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One of my familys all time favorite dishes is my ham, I make it at thanksgiving and a few times through out the year, It is very good and very easy to make. Buy one uncooked but smoked shank portion bone in ham, One baking pan the hard foil if you dont have a good baking dish and its easier to spen the 3 bucks for a pan you can toss afterwards. I bag brown sugar and 3-4 can pineapple chunks or rings. Aluminum foil if you dont already have it. Cut open ham while it is sitting in the baking pan so the juices in the bag run into the pan. If the ham has a paper linning around it pull it off and the little plastic piece on the top of the ham. Ok place ham rightside down in the pan. (the big roundish side in bottom if pan) open cans of pineapple and leave tops in can push can tops and drain juice all over the ham from all the cans. Bag of brown sugar. Coat the whole outside of the ham in brownsugar not a whole lot but a good layer pat all over the outside of the ham. Cover pan with foil and bake in oven at 350 degress baste about everyhour. depending on the size of the ham is how long it will take. I usually get a 13-15 pund ham and cook it for about 4-5 hours it is very tendar and very very delicious. when done you can add the pineapple to the juices or leave it on the side. Also if you are having potatos with this meal the juice is very good to make a sweet candid gravy with. just drain the juice into a saucepan heat slowly and add corn starch a tablesppoon at a time until desired thickness. Also at thanksgiving time I like to make yams in the pan with the ham for about the last hour and half of cooking time i jsut peel the yams and quater them into the sizes i want and just put them into the juice and baste them when you do the ham. Its a very easy and delicious meal. takes very little preptime and very little to do while its cooking. Enjoy!

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Another family favorite. For pizza lovers. We call them pizza boats very simple and not much time to make. Depending on how many you are cooking for buy a loaf of french bread for every 3-4 people you are feeding. Pizza sauce and any pizza toppings you like on your pizza and of course cheese. I buy the shredded pizza blend because it is convienant. Cut the loaf of frence bread in half then turn the half over standing on its side and with a good serated knife cut right down the middle so u have two open faced pieces of bread do that with all your loafs of bread. put on pizza sauce and the toppings you want put the cheese on top put them on a cookie sheet and pop in the oven on broil for a few minutes until the cheese is melted or browned to your desire and your done. This is a fun one to do with kids big and small I have a 4 and 5 yr old who love to make there own. It gives them a chance to decide what they like and dont like, and its fun for them to create there own and eat it, if you have kids they will love it. Enjoy

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