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Crazy State Laws About drunkeness and indecency.

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I was just watching one of those cop programs where they show you the tape from inside the squad car. It was out of one of the southeastern states of the USA. Some cop stopped a guy for suspected drunk diving. Now this guy is in his own private vehicle. The cop tells him to step out of the car and the guy is nude. The driver flunks the sobriety test and the cop arrests him for DUI and public indecency; puts him in his squad car. Then the cop asks the passenger to step out of the car and arrests the passenger for public intoxication. Now I ask you, is this right? The two people were in a private vehicle until the cop told them to get out.


If this is the law in that state (I wish I could remember which state), then cops might stop every male driver who is driving without his shirt on just to make sure he isn't nude. A designated driver could be taking his drunk friend home, get stopped for some reason and have the friend arrested for being drunk. This doesn't make any sense to me.

Edited by Mich (see edit history)

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I was just watching one of those cop programs where they show you the tape from inside the squad car. It was out of one of the southeastern states of the USA. Some cop stopped a guy for suspected drunk diving. Now this guy is in his own private vehicle. The cop tells him to step out of the car and the guy is nude. The driver flunks the sobriety test and the cop arrests him for DUI and public indecency; puts him in his squad car. Then the cop asks the passenger to step out of the car and arrests the passenger for public intoxication. Now I ask you, is this right? The two people were in a private vehicle until the cop told them to get out.


If this is the law in that state (I wish I could remember which state), then cops might stop every male driver who is driving without his shirt on just to make sure he isn't nude. A designated driver could be taking his drunk friend home, get stopped for some reason and have the friend arrested for being drunk. This doesn't make any sense to me.

yeah i think that the cop was probably just a *BLEEP* or just pissed off i dont know but that sounds ridiculous because now days you can get in trouble for like anything =/

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Well yea some times we see how human Cops can be. A rough day or maybe just for some laughs XD. I think it's kind of funny though, the cop telling oyu to come out, then charging you for obeying. Now I'm surprised that they would show this tape on TV. Because I'm pretty sure acts like that on the Cop's behalf would be looked down upon so wouldn't in be in the PD's best interest to keep those files behind the curtain? LOL They must be confident or once again, have done it for the laughs.One question though, was this tape shown as a joke or just another incident which you happened to notice? If it was one of those AFV kind of shows I think it should be taken in light humor. The cop was wrong to charge the man for public intoxication, but the cop was funny :D and that's what matters in the end.

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Well odds are the passenger was drunk to and if not then maybe it was wrong, of course I hate crooked cops or cops start shooting or tasering or spraying for no reason at all. Yeah I could blame stress but when it comes to veterans officers who been in for 10-15 years then it has to be something else to make them do crazy things like that. I think it was in 2006 when a Officer shot a soldier multiple times after he was told to get up, I call that a dirty tactic by an officer. Of course I really hate corrupted cops because some gang members bribes them so they could can get drugs on to the streets or stuff like that.

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For one thing, they are police officers and not cops. There is a difference. Second, people shouldn't be nude in a car or driving drunk so its a good thing thta person was taken off the road. Think of what might have happened if that P.O. Didn't pull that person over and arrest that person.

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