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Radio Controlled Vehicles . . .

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Well, I got some radio controlled UFO for Christmas. It flies up to 30 feet and is very light. I love to play with it but I was wondering, why is it called a Radio Controlled UFO when it is controlled by a 'remote'? Shouldn't they all just be called Remote Controlled or are they called "Radio" Controlled because the Radio waves are what makes the vehicle move? >_< I'm so confused!

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Another question that I have is why didn't my post count just go up? That was 5+ lines and it still says that I have zero posts! Is something broken here or was my post not counted as a 'quality' post? It should have been since it was >= 3 sentences and >= 4 lines...

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Well, I got some radio controlled UFO for Christmas.  It flies up to 30 feet and is very light.  I love to play with it but I was wondering, why is it called a Radio Controlled UFO when it is controlled by a 'remote'?  Shouldn't they all just be called Remote Controlled or are they called "Radio" Controlled because the Radio waves are what makes the vehicle move?  >_<  I'm so confused!


Well either way its remote controlled, frequencies are sent to and from a reciever. I guess some people just have to have their way when it comes to naming new things. Thats pretty cool though! i have never seen a remote controlled UFO, ive seen lots of other cool remote controlled things though. Wouldnt it be great to have a remote controlled fly? haha just think of the possibilities! ;)

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