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Trap17 + Computinghost(partner Site Question)

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Ok so im getting working on my site.. its a myspace layout site.. so you know its going to have OVER 200 pages.. (myspace layouts) and i was wondering, before i start to place them all in.. if i happened to transfer to the partner computer host, (just because im paranoid and im scared i will run out of credits) will trap 17/compu host, transfer all my files for me?will i be keeping the same tra17 url.. (i already purchased an url, but i dont want to go in if i transfer and change all the urls, since im guessing the url i bought is only a redirect-aka u can access your site through both the .com adreess and Xisto url)or// third question, i know im annoying but, is there anyway to stay with Xisto but pay so you do not have to post in the forums?Disclaimer: not that i do not enjoy posting on the forums.. me and my co-owner enjoy it very much.. but thne agian we are paranoid, the sites we build take weeks to put together, and do not want to wake up to a big old.. YOUR ACCOUNT WAS CANCELED hahaAlso fourth question.. if your account is canceled, is there anyway to get your site back? or when they cancel the account, do they just pull it offline? and you get it back when you get with the forum posting??sorry im new.. and i just, have many questions!

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Yes Xisto - Web Hosting will be able to transfer your fils from a trap account to a Xisto - Web Hosting account.

No your Xisto domain won't be going along with hte transfer unless you add on the domain through your Xisto - Web Hosting account.

There is a purchase credits plans which you can find here, the payment options are in increments of 6 months. However, if you plan to go to a Xisto - Web Hosting account it wouldn't make much sense to purchase credits unless of course you have a trap account and a paid hosting account as well. Of course more money that go towards xisto websites odds are that money could be allocated into more space for members who are hosted here.

Well there are three modes for your hosting account, online, suspended, and terminated; online is where your website can be seen and that you ca access the website, suspended means your site will be off line and your access blocked, and terminate is when your credits hit -30 in which everything will get deleted. of course to stay out of the other two modes your credits need to stay in the positive, and if your credits do go into the negative you need to bring your account up to 4+ credits and then a couple of hours later your website will be online again.

Note: Since you have someone else helping you with your site it could be possible that you two split up the posting on the forums, and that way you two could build up credits based on the different forums you both have interests in.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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Yes Xisto - Web Hosting will be able to transfer your fils from a trap account to a Xisto - Web Hosting account.
No your Xisto domain won't be going along with hte transfer unless you add on the domain through your Xisto - Web Hosting account.

There is a purchase credits plans which you can find here, the payment options are in increments of 6 months. However, if you plan to go to a Xisto - Web Hosting account it wouldn't make much sense to purchase credits unless of course you have a trap account and a paid hosting account as well. Of course more money that go towards xisto websites odds are that money could be allocated into more space for members who are hosted here.

Well there are three modes for your hosting account, online, suspended, and terminated; online is where your website can be seen and that you ca access the website, suspended means your site will be off line and your access blocked, and terminate is when your credits hit -30 in which everything will get deleted. of course to stay out of the other two modes your credits need to stay in the positive, and if your credits do go into the negative you need to bring your account up to 4+ credits and then a couple of hours later your website will be online again.

Note: Since you have someone else helping you with your site it could be possible that you two split up the posting on the forums, and that way you two could build up credits based on the different forums you both have interests in.

i see!@ your post is extremely helpful and defenetely answers all of my questions =). i wasnt aware of the fact that you can buy credits... lol when i found out of Xisto i was just desperate for a good host with no ads that was free, (should have read, but oh well) it better be true about them transferring everything or ill find out where you live and creep outside your window at night.. just kidding but yea.. i will defentely make sure this account never hits less than 5 credits.. i do already anyways.. since i do the designing i make my partner do some posting on the forums.. but yea she keeps things R rated.

i love trap18 =)
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that would be Xisto

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Well I been here for quite awhile I would stake my post count reputation on it, just make sure not to creep around while I am sleeping that way you won't disturb my sleep :). Of course the best thing is though you can have as many credits as you want but to get the most out of the credit system is that your posts are insanely long, and have lots of content in them. Since your already hosted you already know about the length of the posts of course if you get the $40 hosting credit package share the wealth with us :(.

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Well I been here for quite awhile I would stake my post count reputation on it, just make sure not to creep around while I am sleeping that way you won't disturb my sleep :). Of course the best thing is though you can have as many credits as you want but to get the most out of the credit system is that your posts are insanely long, and have lots of content in them. Since your already hosted you already know about the length of the posts of course if you get the $40 hosting credit package share the wealth with us :(.

lmfao but thats no fun.. thats pretty much the point of standing outside your window.. to make you miserable =) haha! anyways and anywho... anyone reading this wonderfully awesomely beautiful post of mine.. same hing about the partner host..

is there anyway to change hosts but keep my Xisto url?????????

not that i like.. its more like i need it so ya! answer me while you wait for your sites to be back up

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I was wondering about that too... I'd love to transfer to having an upgraded paid account for my Xisto site, but I didn't want to have the address changed cause I'm worried about losing the Google traffic if the address to all my pages are suddenly different.

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Well the best thing about xisto hosting is that you can have a paid hosting account, and a Xisto account. However, since your question was answered in the shoutboc I toss in a friendly reminder, and all that you need to do is log into your CPANEL go to the add on domain menu, type in your Xisto subdomain and then type in your Top Level Domain (TLD) that will redirect to your Xisto domain. That way users can use both urls to access your site.

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