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Php Sessions And Post Variables Issues My script dosent seem to work as intended

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I've been working on this page locally and it seems to be working fine but when I upload it to my Xisto account the post variables dont get saved properly. Fill in some fields and submit it, the form will come up as a empty field yet when you resubmit it without any modifications and the data you entered in orginally will now magically appear, resubmit it again and it will be gone.

This is really annoying as I have no clue why it would be doing this when it seems to work fine locally.


// page settings
$title = 'Application';
$location = 'application.php';
$lu_title = 'Login';
$ru_title = 'News';
$lp_title = 'Navigation';
$cp_title = $title;
$rp_title = 'Events';

$content = 'includes/application_content.php';


?> linenums:0'><?php/*Application page===================uses _core.phpuses includes/application_content.php for content*/session_start();include('db.php');// page settings$title = 'Application';$location = 'application.php';$lu_title = 'Login';$ru_title = 'News';$lp_title = 'Navigation';$cp_title = $title;$rp_title = 'Events';$content = 'includes/application_content.php';include('_core.php');?>
<?php// output pageecho "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' 'http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns='http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /><script type='text/javascript' src='ext-1.1.1/adapter/yui/yui-utilities.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='ext-1.1.1/adapter/yui/ext-yui-adapter.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='ext-1.1.1/ext-all-debug.js'></script><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery-1.2.1.min.js'></script>            <script type='text/javascript' src='date.js'></script><!--[if IE]><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.bgiframe.min.js'></script><![endif]--><script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.datePicker.js'></script><link href='nexus_main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='datePicker.css'><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='demo.css'><title>$title</title></head><body>	<div id='upper_bg'>    </div>     <div id='outer'>    <!-- main container -->                <div id='header'>        	<div id='upper_left_pan'>            	<div id='upper_left_title'>$lu_title</div>       			<div id='upper_left_content'>                	<div id='login_section'>                        <p>                        Not logged in, Please login below <br />                            Username: <input type='text' /><br />                            Password: <input type='password' /><br />                            <button disabled='disabled'>Login</button>                        </p>                    </div>                </div>            </div>            <div id='header_right_pan'>            	<div id='upper_right_title'>$ru_title</div>            	<div id='upper_right_content'><p>No news to display</p></div>       		</div>                </div>                        <!-- content container -->                        <div id='content'>            <div id='left_pan'>     			               		<div class='side_panel_top'>                    	<div class='side_panel_title'>$lp_title</div>                    </div>                        <div class='side_panel_middle'>                           ";// include navigationinclude('includes/nav_list.php');echo "                                                                  </div>                    <div class='side_panel_bottom'>                    </div>                                                                    </div>            <div id='right_pan'>        		<div class='side_panel_top'>                    	<div class='side_panel_title'>$rp_title</div>                    </div>                        <div class='side_panel_middle'>                            <div class='side_panel_right_content'>                               <p>                               No Current events to display.                               </p>                            </div>                        </div>                    <div class='side_panel_bottom'>                    </div>            </div>        	<div id='middle_pan'>            	<div class='center_panel_top'>                	<div class='center_panel_title'>$cp_title</div>                </div>                                <div class='center_panel_middle'>                	<div class='center_panel_content'>";                      // Content includes  if($content != '') {  	include($content);  }                         	 	                  					  echo"					  					  					  </div>                </div>                                <div class='center_panel_bottom'>                </div>                            </div>                        </div>                            <!-- main container end -->	</div>	</body></html>";// end page?>



function ck_app_username($uname) {

global $link;

// check if user already exisit
$user_ck_query = "SELECT u_name FROM user WHERE u_name ='" . $uname . "'";
$user_ck_result = mysql_query($user_ck_query, $link);

$ck_result = "Default";
$pattern = "/[!|@|#|$|%|^|&|*|(|)|_|\-|=|+|\||,|.|\/|;| linenums:0'><?php/*Description------------File contains an application form for users to register, Is used by application.phpContents----------1. Functions2. Application Form // Part 1 2.1 Display Empty form 2.2 Check and Dsiplay form with any ERRORS if any 2.2.1 display form with errors 2.2.2 display from with no errors, user has to confirm info then moved to Part 2 // Part 2 2.3 display details from part 1 (just for display pruposes making sure details are stored.)*/$s = $_SESSION;include('includes/class/userClass.php');// 1. FUNCTIONSfunction ck_app_username($uname) { global $link; // check if user already exisit $user_ck_query = "SELECT u_name FROM user WHERE u_name ='" . $uname . "'"; $user_ck_result = mysql_query($user_ck_query, $link); $ck_result = "Default"; $pattern = "/[!|@|#|$|%|^|&|*|(|)|_|\-|=|+|\||,|.|\/|;|:|\'|\"|\[|\]|\{|\}]/i"; // check for input if($uname == '') { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>Required!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (preg_match($pattern, $uname)) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>illegal characters</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (preg_match("/[0-9]/", $uname)) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>No numbers in username!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (strlen($uname) < 3) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>3 Characters minimun!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else if (mysql_num_rows($user_ck_result) > 0) { $ck_result = "<span class='error_header'>User Exist!</span>"; $app_errors['username'] = true; } else { $ck_result = "<span class='ok_header'>Available</span>"; unset($app_errors['username']); } return $ck_result;}function ck_app_password($pwd,$cpwd) {// version 1.0 $app_password_result = "default"; // check password if($pwd == '' || $cpwd == '') { $app_password_result = "<span class='error_header'>Enter password and confirm!</span>"; $app_errors['password'] = true; } // user submitted something else if ($pwd != $cpwd) { $app_password_result = "<span class='error_header'>Passwords do not match!</span>"; $app_errors['password'] = true; } // check for minimun chars for password 6 else if (strlen($pwd) < 6) { $app_password_result = "<span class='error_header'>Passwords must be 6 characters or more!</span>"; $app_errors['password'] = true; } // all checks done password ok else { $app_password_result = "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>"; unset($app_errors['password']); } // return result return $app_password_result;}function ck_name($name) { $ck_name_result = 'Default'; $regex = "/[^a-zA-Z]/"; if($name == '') { $ck_name_result = "<span class='error_header'>Required!</span>"; $app_errors['name'] = true; } else if(preg_match($regex,$name)) { $ck_name_result = "<span class='error_header'>Error. a-z A-Z only!</span>"; $app_errors['name'] = true; } else { $ck_name_result = "<span class='ok_header'>OK</span>"; unset($app_errors['name']); } return $ck_name_result;}function ck_email ($mail) { //default $ck_email_result = "Default"; //pattern $regex = '/\A(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+' .'(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@' .'(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[a-z]{2}|' .'com|org|net|gov|biz|info|name|aero|biz|info|jobs|' .'museum)\B)\Z/i'; if ($mail == '') { $ck_email_result = "<span class='error_header'>Email Required!</span>"; $app_errors['email'] = true; } else if (preg_match($regex, $mail)) { $ck_email_result = "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>"; $app_errors['email'] = true; } else { $ck_email_result = "<span class='error_header'>Invalid Emai!</span>"; unset($app_errors['email']); } return $ck_email_result;} // END FUNCTIONS =======// 2. APPLICATION FORM ============================================================================================ // 2.1 DISPLAY EMPTY FORMif(count($p) == 0) {echo " <h1>Personal Details - Part 1 of 5</h1> <p> Fill in all the fields below. Make sure you have read and understood the <a href='rules.php'>rules</a> before posting an application to join the Linkshell(s). </p> <form name=\"app_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"application.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"app_stage\" value=\"1\" /> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Desired Username</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_username\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_password\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Comfirm Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_cpassword\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">First Name</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_fname\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Last Name</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_lname\" /></li> </ul> <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('.date-pick').datePicker({startDate:'01/01/1950'}); }); </script> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">DOB</li> <li><input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"app_dob\" class='date-pick' value='' readonly='readonly' /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Gender</li> <li> <select name=\"app_gender\" /> <option value=\"m\">Male</option> <option value=\"f\">female</option> </select> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Email</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_email\" /> $email_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\"></li> <li><button>Submit</button></li> </ul> </form> ";}// 2.2 Display form with any errors ============================================else if((count($p) > 0) && ($p['app_stage'] < 2 )){ $app_username = strtolower($p['app_username']); $_SESSION['app_username'] = htmlspecialchars($app_username); $_SESSION['app_password'] = $p['app_password']; $_SESSION['app_cpassword'] = $p['app_cpassword']; $_SESSION['app_fname'] = $p['app_fname']; $_SESSION['app_lname'] = $p['app_lname']; $_SESSION['app_gender'] = $p['app_gender']; $_SESSION['app_dob'] = $p['app_dob']; $_SESSION['app_email'] = $p['app_email']; if ($p['app_stage'] == 1) { // check results if(!isset($s['app_errors'])) { $s['app_errors'] = array(); } $app_errors = $s['app_errors']; //username $username_result = ck_app_username($s['app_username']); if($username_result == "<span class='ok_header'>Available</span>") { unset($app_errors['username']); } else{ $app_errors['username'] = true; } //password $password_result = ck_app_password($s['app_password'],$s['app_cpassword']); if($password_result == "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>") { unset($app_errors['password']); } else{ $app_errors['password'] = true; } // names $fname_result = ck_name($s['app_fname']); $lname_result = ck_name($s['app_lname']); //email $email_result = ck_email($s['app_email']); if($email_result == "<span class='ok_header'>OK!</span>") { unset($app_errors['email']); } else{ $app_errors['email'] = true; } // 2.2.1 Display application with ERRORS ========================================== if(count($app_errors) > 0) { echo " <h1>Personal Details - Part 1 of 5</h1> <p> There are <span class='error_header'>errors</span> please correct and resubmit. </p> <form name=\"app_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"application.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"app_stage\" value=\"1\" /> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Desired Username</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_username\" value=\"{$s['app_username']}\" /> $username_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_password\" value=\"{$s['app_password']}\" /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Comfirm Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_cpassword\" value=\"{$s['app_cpassword']}\" /> $password_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">First Name</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_fname\" value=\"{$s['app_fname']}\" /> $fname_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Last Name</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_lname\" value=\"{$s['app_lname']}\" /> $lname_result</li> </ul> <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('.date-pick').datePicker({startDate:'01/01/1950'}); }); </script> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">DOB</li> <li><input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"app_dob\" value=\"{$s['app_dob']}\" class='date-pick' readonly='readonly' /> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Gender</li> <li> <select name=\"app_gender\" /> "; // check if gender selected if($p['app_gender'] == 'f') { echo "<option value=\"f\">female</option> <option value=\"m\">Male</option> "; } else { echo "<option value=\"m\">Male</option> <option value=\"f\">female</option> "; } echo " </select> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Email</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_email\" value=\"{$s['app_email']}\" /> $email_result </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\"></li> <li> <button>Re-submit</button> </li> </ul> </form> "; } // 2.2.2 Display application form with 0 ERRORS ========================================== else { echo " <h1>Personal Details - Part 1 of 5</h1> <p> Please confirm details and submit, If there are any changed needed to be made hit the back button now. </p> <form name=\"app_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"application.php\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"app_stage\" value=\"2\" /> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Desired Username</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_username\" value=\"{$s['app_username']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $username_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_password\" value=\"{$s['app_password']}\" disabled='disabled' /></li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Comfirm Password</li> <li><input type=\"password\" name=\"app_cpassword\" value=\"{$s['app_cpassword']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $password_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">First Name</li> <li><input type=\"text\" name=\"app_fname\" value=\"{$s['app_fname']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $fname_result</li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Last Name</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_lname\" value=\"{$s['app_lname']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $lname_result</li> </ul> <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> $(function() { $('.date-pick').datePicker({startDate:'01/01/1950'}); }); </script> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">DOB</li> <li><input type=\"text\" size=\"10\" name=\"app_dob\" value=\"{$s['app_dob']}\" disabled='disabled' /> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Gender</li> <li> <select name=\"app_gender\" disabled='disabled'/> "; // check if gender selected if($p['app_gender'] == 'f') { echo "<option value=\"f\" >female</option> <option value=\"m\">Male</option> "; } else { echo "<option value=\"m\" >Male</option> <option value=\"f\">female</option> "; } echo " </select> </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\">Email</li> <li> <input type=\"text\" name=\"app_email\" value=\"{$s['app_email']}\" disabled='disabled' /> $email_result </li> </ul> <ul class=\"app_details\"> <li class=\"col1\"></li> <li> <button>Continue to Part 2</button> </li> </ul> </form> "; } } }// 2.3 Display stored personal details from part 1else if (count($p) > 0 && $p['app_stage'] == 2) { $post_count = count($p); // 2.3.1 int User $app_user = new user; $app_user = $_SESSION['app_user']; $app_user->username = $_SESSION['app_username']; $app_user->password = $_SESSION['app_password']; $app_user->fname = $_SESSION['app_fname']; $app_user->lname = $_SESSION['app_lname']; $app_user->gender = $_SESSION['app_gender']; $app_user->dob = $_SESSION['app_dob']; $app_user->email = $_SESSION['app_email']; echo " <h1>FFXI Game Details - Part 2 of 5</h1> <p> Part 2 </p> <p> $app_user->username <br /> $app_user->fname <br /> $app_user->lname <br /> $app_user->gender <br /> $app_user->dob <br /> $app_user->email <br /> </p> "; }?>
[hr=noshade] [/hr]
After a V drink and having another go at it I find the solution. Instead of printing back out $_SESSION['var'] into the form fields value, I changed it to $_POST['var'] and it works. I guess I cant rely on the sessions vars being asigned properly even though it works on my localhost. Ah another PHP problem of my programming career out of the way.
Edited by sonesay (see edit history)

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Im glad to see you've solved it, one thing to remember is that at T17 POST and GET variables arent assigned to their variable name eg:

On my localhost i have a HTML page that creates the $username variable using the POST method of a form and links to the below code in PHP and it works fine:

echo "hello $username";

But on T17 the $username variable would be blank here because i need to use the POST array to get it out:

$username = $_POST['username'];echo "hello $username";

This would work. I had major headaches because of this fact and then realiser it was a security concern to have it get them automatically from the POST and GET arrays. The setting is in the PHP.ini file in your localhost folders somewhere so you can change it yourself but i dont know the name so maybe someone else can help. Im not sure if this affects your scripts because i couldn't tell which variables were passed from POST and which weren't but its a thing to remember if you have this problem or if anyone else does.

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