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Mozilla Problem

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I hope that I'm posting this in the right section :D Well I started my own webpage and it's basicly built out of webpages -----> http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ first few times that I entered the page I had to load the pages but since a short while when I wentto the site it was inmidiatly there, like he saved it! This is great! But.....Now I have edited my website a bit and I have uploaded a new HTML file it won't load the new one any more. What can I do to change this???? :P Thank you!BTW: Yes I checked that the page is really online, I went to my website in IE6 :DGreetzz

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This is the cache. The browser saves pages you visit a lot so that they load quicker. Of course, this means it is loading its saved version rather than the version on the Internet, which it will only check every so often.Often you can force the browser to fetch the latest version of the page by clicking the Refresh button. If not, disable the cache. In Firefox this is done by clicking Edit > Preferences > Advanced button at the top > Network tab > Enter 0 as the size of the cache and click Clear Now.

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