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blackvenom,Please read the Xisto readme file to learn that your postings need to be written using correct grammar and spelling. And no leet-speak or CaMeLbAcK, thanks.

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Welcome to Xisto and like haslip mention check out the Xisto read me, which you can find at the top of the shoutbox or clicking this link to read everything you need to know about getting soem good free hosting and how to post as well. So welcome to the site, enjoy your stay and in due time your hosting as well.

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Hello blackvenom Posted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. What a handle. Is there a meaning to it?


Make sure you don't post a lot of one-liners, they are considered spam. It is not the number of posts you make, but the quality that earns you credits for hosting. I guess you have already been filled in on things around here, but if you need to know more, you can use the links just above my sig. See you around the boards?

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Hello Blackvenom, Welcome to Xisto,As many of senior members here have told you to read the rules, you might understand the intensity of keeping the forum clean is in there minds. We should all work to keep this wonderful forum clean and alive, this is only possible by not making one-liners and making some effort into writing. Even though you have grammar problem, you can write something of your interest and read other posts. This will develop your English writing skills. I suggest you to read posts by some hosted members to get an idea of what is a quality post.Also tell something about your interests and what you will be making in your site.

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