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Unexpected Hosting Deletion - My Apologies

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Today, I have managed to screw some 10 hosting accounts. It was my mistake by running the script while we're in the transition from Process v1.0 to Manage v2.0 Hosting Account System.

For your information we will be using Xisto.com/manage instead of the process page from now on.

Due to my unfortunate action, OpaQue has quickly restored those 10 accounts but their hosting credits cannot be certain. If you notice any hosting credits incorrectly stating in your account please PM me directly and I will make things right and true.

Again, I sincerely apologize for my action that caused any inconveniences.

Thank you.


For more information on our new Credit System, please read Credit System V2.0 Online

---- OpaQue ----

The accounts which were deleted had NEGATIVE 30 credits and were ment to be Deleted.

When I released the new Credit System, I increased the 30 day limit (for terminating accounts) to 100 days. (more than 3 months)

Henceforth, If your account gets suspended due to 0 credits, you will have 100 Days to restore your account by recollecting credits. (instead of 30 days).

--> Considering this issue to be my personal mistake of not updating Buffalohelp, I RESET the hosting credits of all terminated accounts + Gave them 30 bonus Credits.

The following Accounts were Re-CREATED :-
wizart.trap17.com: typomage
darran.trap17.com: darran
persiantalks.com: ptalks
arza.trap17.com: arza1
subtlesynergy.com: draka
stayaddicted.trap17.com: thump
chandioz.com: chandioz
bradley908.trap17.com: brad908
invite.gooper102.trap17.com: gooper
wolfraising.trap17.com: chass23

Following Account HOME BACKUPS have been re-stored.
wizart.trap17.com: typomage
darran.trap17.com: darran
persiantalks.com: ptalks
arza.trap17.com: arza1
subtlesynergy.com: draka

Following Account HOME BACKUPS were NOT found. Users please re-upload your files.
stayaddicted.trap17.com: thump
chandioz.com: chandioz
bradley908.trap17.com: brad908
invite.gooper102.trap17.com: gooper
wolfraising.trap17.com: chass23

MYSQL DATA restored for following accounts :-


Following accounts did not have MySQL hence no action taken:-


Thank you.


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