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How Much Do You Know About Massage Modalities?

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When I went to massage school, we learned ton of modalities including the following:Acupressure - this is light touch on specific chinese points that can help clear up energy blockages along these energy lines that flow through the body, called meridians.Reflexology - In reflexology it is believed that every organ and part of the body is reflected on the feet. You can help work out specific issues with the stomach, or the back and spine, or the kidneys, etc..Swedish Massage - This is the most popular, basic massage, it consists of 5 different types of strokes: Effleurage is light touch, and connective strokes to make the massage go smooth. Pettrissage, is a little deeper, and consists of milking the muscle of toxins. Friction, produces heat and is great for breaking up adhesians and scars. Vibration has a calming effect, and is just as the name sounds. Tapotement is tapping or percussion like, and can calm or stimulate depending on how long it is done on a muscle.Russian Massage - Russian is a more scientific method of doing massage, which focuses mostly on getting the most out of your muscles.Trigger Point Therapy - This is a treatment for adhesians found in the muscle, called trigger points.Seated Massage - This is just the body mechanics, and techniques for doing a massage on someone in a seated position, usually in a special chair designed for seated massage.HydroTherapy - This is actually a sub-genre of massage that has many modalities under it, some treatments include salt scrubs, wraps, facials, hot rock therapy, ice massage, heat massage, foot soaks, and many other types of thereapies found in most spas.Reiki - is a light energy modality, that requires people be attuned to a certain energy flow. Using reiki, people have experienced some amazing, and miraculous cures.Cranial Sacral Therapy - This is light touch, about the pressure of a nickel, on the head, and it helps to free up the movement of cerebral spinal fluid, as well as the movement of your cranial bones, which move in a certain pattern, sort of like a heart beat, or diaphragm when taking a breath,Shiatsu - This is more advanced form of acupressure, which involves pressing on points all along a meridian, where as acupressure is holding single points.Injury Massage - This is more of a clinical massage and used for treatment of injuries, like whiplash.Structural - This is similar to rolfing, in fact it is basically the same thing, only the term rolfing is patented. It is correcting people's structure and postures by using extremely deep pressure to the fascia of the body, it can be painful, but it is known to help people with serious structural problems.There are many more modalities than the one's listed here, what kind of modalities have you worked with before? Anyone receive a modality that you absolutely love? Put it in this thread!

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