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Scientists Discover How Pregnant Women Keep From Tipping Over

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Well before I get into the article I would have to say this, they didn't know this already and it has been a medical mystery since the dawn of man kind? Although we know that 6-9 months during the pregnancy that a woman's spine works over time just because of the weight of the child they carry, thus the back pains and what not. Now after reading this article it would give a better explanation as to why the back pains are really bad sometimes for women when they are pregnant, because of the rapid change in body posture. I say that loosely because that change happens gradually over the 9 month period but between 6-9 months it would change rather quicker I would suspect.

Like I said you would think the medical world knew why, but I guess thats the mystery of the human body.


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Ok, well, I hate to the the wet blanket here, but I have to wonder, how many $$$$ of the tax payers money went into this study???We don't tip over when we are pregnaunt. We just don't. Never have. All that falling down would be hard on the baby. Might knock the baby senseless then it would have to grow up to be a politician. (or laywer) And since we don't tip over, and never have, I have to wonder, why in the heck anybodys cares as to why we don't tip over. Hey, I wonder, ya think I could get a grant from the government to study how men with big feet and short arms learn to open doors by walking up to them backwards?? Is this a survival skill learned from early cave dwellers breed into us for eons of evolution????Actually, I'd be more interested in seeing a study on how the heck women walk in those god awful looking high heels you see them trotting around in. How in the world can they balance on tippy toes and that tiny spike of a heel? Now there's where women ought to be tipping over all the time!

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1. Who cares. 2. What a waste of money. 3. How will it help the earth evolve? I want to do a study on the amount of money pointless studies like this waste. Then they can release that study and people would be shocked on how much money is wasted on pointless studies.

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:o LMAO-Medical mystery, lol I'll tell you how I keep from falling over- My rear end got as fat as my belly and balanced me out! the article was great though SM, Thanks for posting it:)

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I am a man, unable to get such a feeling though, yet I do concede that there are some unknown mysteries sciences cannot explain even in such a highly scientific world. But I guess this is not some kind of mystery, instead, a kind of biological changes inside the body which result in the phenomenon. Maybe some specialist can explain the problem with nutrition, genetic knowledge, physical theorems. Who knows...

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