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Disk Herniation Spinal column problems

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I recently had a MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) done on my cervical spine because I have a nagging pain radiating from my neck down my arm to my thumb. The day after, my doctor called me to inform me that I have a herniated disk in my neck that is pressing against my spinal cord. This is probably the source of the aggravation. He wants me to see a surgeon. I conceded a visit with his referal, but will not entertain the idea of surgery on my neck. Especially since I know the surgeon would be going through from the front to tackle the disk. I would hope there is an alternative to surgery for I am not looking forward to that possibility any too soon. I will wait until the pain is unbearable.


My husband has 3 herniated disks down lower in his back from a fracture of his spine. He won't have surgery until he cannot walk. He was given this advice by his surgeon because the outlook for surgery helping him is not in his favor; 33% good results, 33% no results and 34% worse results (unable to walk). When he cannot walk, he won't have that much to lose. His injury has been handled with extensive physical therapy which has helped even to control some of his pain.


The funny part of this whole story is that I have not had any recent injury to my neck. My only serious injury was some time ago when I was kicked in the face by our pony. It really messed up my face; broken nose and occipital orbit as well as a cerebral concusion. This is the only whiplash-type injury I have ever suffered. Now I am wondering if all the pain I have had in my neck all these years has been this silly disk all along. And, now, somehow the protrusion has finally gotten large enough to press against my spinal cord hard enough to cause such terrible pain down my arm. I guess that is a question for the surgeon when I see him this Thursday.


Has anybody else had problems with herniated disks? How did you contend with this problem? Did you have surgery? What was the outcome?

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Hmmm odd that they would go through your throat just to remove a herniated disk from your neck instead of going through the back end of your neck, trust me Mich I had to get a disc remove its best not to wait till you can't bear the pain and get it done ASAP because you don't know what kind of problems you might have while waiting. Although I am no doctor but have they thought about doing one disc at a time on your husband? Meaning that they repair one disc let it heal up (6 months to a year) repair the next one, and although I am a bit surprise that he can still walk even bearing all that pain though but like you mention the physical therapy must be helping somewhat, and I only can imagine the the drugs though to numb it good. Of course if its the discs near the end of the spine then yeah it would be a tough call to make, but me personally I wouldn't want to suffer through all that pain on a daily basis especially when I might have to pop 3-4 different drugs on a daily basis, and I would want to take the risk and see what happens. Thats just me though.eah I would have to agree that kick in the face was how it set up the herniated disc and it either herniated the moment you got that nasty whiplash or afterwards with all the twisting of your neck. Of course those neck bones are pretty delicate since they are holding a lot of weight on those 4-5 bones, again I wouldn't wait but if circumstance force you to wait then try to bare with it as best as you can.Like I said I herniated my L5 and when that happen it felt my legs were completely numb, I had to drag myself down 3 flights of stairs then once I got the ground I just laid there till I went to the hospital, of course the army its all it mightiness couldn't figure out why I had all this pain till 8 months later, it was bad enough that I had to roll myself out of bed and then slowly get up, and lay on the floor with a heating pack against me to try and numb the pain, I believe I cleared a couple of bottles of Advil/Tylenol, and one bottle percocet to bare with it. Heck one of my brother's friend's has a back that sounds just as bad as your husbands. I wish you and your husband well in the road to recovery.

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Well, saw the surgeon and it seems that the herniated disc (Note: I have corrected the spelling. Should have done some research before posting.) is the least of my worries. I have a relatively advanced case of cervical stenosis as well.

Cervical stenosis pinches the spinal cord

As we age, the spine may develop degenerative changes in the joints that can create tightening of the spinal canal. Over time this process may lead to pinching the spinal cord and compromise of coordination of the extremities.


My spinal canal is less than half the diameter of a normal canal and is pinching my spinal cord for about the distance of 5 vertebrae in my neck. The only way to relieve it is to do a laminectomy. The herniated disc is complicating things by pressing against the already compressed spinal cord.

The most common surgery in the lumbar spine is called decompressive laminectomy in which the laminae (roof) of the vertebrae are removed to create more space for the nerves. A surgeon may perform a laminectomy with or without fusing vertebrae or removing part of a disc. Various devices (like screws or rods) may be used to enhance fusion and support unstable areas of the spine.

Of course now I am faced with 2 surgeries. Removal of the herniated disc, with use of bone from my hip to fill in the empty space left, and fusing of the bones from a frontal entry. Then from the back, the laminectomy. Ain't that a hoot?

Of course, I could choose not to have surgery, but, then, according to the surgeon, I am then faced with the possibility of becoming a quadriplegic if the narrowing process damages the spinal cord. Or a sudden jerk, movement, jolt, or whiplash or such causes damage to the spinal cord. This is a scarey thought. However, I think I may seek another opinion on the probablility of this happening.

Edited by Mich (see edit history)

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Ouch, sorry about that Mich I guess it wasn't as simple as I thought it would be :P. Yeah I would agree that getting a second opinion especially from a back specialist to see if anything else can be done, because that will kind of suck. Hopefully something can be figured out without you being put in a wheel chair or put in a bed, plus who would I set up SOTW for if you gone? :D

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