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Death Or Unconsciousness In Dreams

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I will start off sharing a story, because the topic title really doesn't explain what I mean.Okay, so I had a seemingly typical, abstract, thriller-movie dream a few months ago. I was sticking next to a person around whom I was unlikely to get shot by the guys following me, and we somehow end up trapped, and I'm forced to choose a way for my captor to kill me. I choose the thing that involves eating something that looks like tea leaves, popped rice, and orange rinds, which is apparently some sort of drug.So my captor gives me the poison and some water, and tells me that in a few minutes it's going to kick in and I will be completely paralyzed. So... I'm in a state of complete euphoria, when things go out of focus, and I close my eyes (in the dream), and right at that moment... I wake up.It was the coolest transition between sleeping and consciousness ever.So, I'm wondering, has anything similar happened to anyone else? I mean, just as you go into unconsciousness within the dream, you wake up?Also, one of my friends said that nobody's ever really died in their dream (if they have, they were still sort of there, watching the aftermath, like a ghost), and if you die in your dream, you die in real life. Anybody heard anything similar?

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Funny I had dreams like that but with a lot of torture, running and gun fights that are just as disturbing as the real thing. Of course the most infamous dream is when your falling fro mthe sky and right before you hit the ground you wake up all of a sudden. Of course I alwasy led ot believe that if oyu don't wake up from this dream you would die in a form of a heart attack or something, sadly I finally find the truth about this dream here.

Of course I know I posted this before and mentioned it to others about this dream I had back in 2004, and it was Christmas Eve two days before the huge earthquake/tsunami that hit. I was in this old, medieval, stone church, wearing the medieval clothes, and there were small candles next to the windows so it was very dim as it was night time when I was there.

I walked up to this alter that had a very large picture and I knelt, then I started praying. For some strange reason I looked up at this picture and looked at the face in this picture; although, it didnt look like Jesus he did have long hair and a beard like him. Then all of a sudden the ground began to shake violently and soon the church was coming apart, people were running and screaming trying to get out, and as I was trying to find a way out I look at the picture again but this time the figure in the painting was smiling and then he was gone.

Then all of sudden the ground started to split open and by then most of the church had collapse and fires were all over the place from the candles, with people screaming, and dying because of this massive earthquake. I was about half way to the door when a wooden beam came crashing down, and by the time it hit me I woke up in a cold sweat shaking and going what the hell was that.

By then I had about 5 minutes to get ready to go to the Christmas service, and then 2 days later that earthquake happen, at first I didnt think about but then I started making a connection ot the dream and the earthquake and I was Holy Beep. All this time I only remember two dream that one and the one I had when I was three or four years old, and as for the rest of the dreams they where the standard hero dreams and other guy related dreams.

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Wow. I've never had any foreshadowing in my dreams... Although I might have, I tend to forget dreams pretty fast.One of my friends repeatedly dreams of deep-frying a book with every intention of eating it, but that's not as exciting.

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I died in a dream!Death Or Unconsciousness In Dreams

 "Also, one of my friends said that nobody's ever really died in their dream (if they have, they were still sort of there, watching the aftermath, like a ghost), and if you die in your dream, you die in real life. Anybody heard anything similar?"

Wrong...I died in a dream before:

In the dream, I was sitting in the pickup truck on the Air Force base flightline (I was in the Air Force before).

Suddenly, a single balloon drifts down. Then the balloon lands and three aliens appear. They move toward my truck in a zig-zag fashion, moving in complete unison. They don't use their legs per se, they just hover about a foot off the ground.

So, I crouch down on the floor, hoping they won't see me. My head is down by the truck gas + brake pedals, and so the passenger door is in my line of sight.

Suddenly, the passenger door starts slowly opening! A gun barrel appears, and starts pointing in my direction as the door opens further. I cannot see the alien shooter, because he's croutched on the outside of the passenger door.

Finally, the gun goes off and I feel a burning in my chest and feel the impact of three fatal rounds hitting my chest point-blank, then it fades to black. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley6.gif 

-reply by oldfella

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I was staying at my dad's house and my brother was playing music with T.J. really loudly. And we kept telling them to keep it down because the baby was sleeping, so we ended up in this car with vicki heading to Aunt Lisa's house, And we got into an accident. When i woke up you and the baby were gone, and so was vicki and the car. I was stranded in the middle of nowhere. Eventually i found aunt lisa's house, I tried knocking but the door was locked and no one was answering. So i broke into the garage and i found a small door beside it in a hurry to hide because uncle john had come down to the basement with a gun. I found myself staring down a long staircase into darkness. I lit a match and found a flash light on the sill beside the starirs. I went down the stairs and found a gocart. so i started it up and found myself on a set of tracks. It was an old escape tunnel. I saw lots of cans and old guns. It mustve been during World War II cause the pictures on the wall were all in black. I found the circuit breaker and flipped the switch. The track came to life and the tunnel lit up. Then I got in the cart and ended up flying through the tunnel and out into a wooded path. The tracks ahead were covered in dirt and mud from the rainy weather. I couldnt get up i was locked in. It was a rough ride and i ended up getting knocked unconscious, when i came to i was outside a house like aunt lisa's and i tried going inside, so i went up the stairs and into the main house. but empty. so i went up to the loft and found that the room was lit by a small candle and a man was sitting in an old chair holding a rifle. he looked up and asked me who i was and why i was in his house. I couldnt speak i was terrified, i ran. And i ran until i reached the basement stairs, Only i found it was full of men trying to kill each other and some were flying around on giant sea turtles. so i began to run to the cart and when i got in a man pulled a lever and it shot forward. I ended up being rendered unconscious and waking up in my bed this morning.




I need help understanding what this dream means. Because the one thing i fear is my dreams. They are so vivid i can feel immense pain and sometimes i even wake up with marks, bruises, or scratches on my body. Mainly in the place where i felt the pain. This morning i have a large pain on the back and side of my skull. Can anyone help me decipher this strange dream?

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