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How To Make Money Online

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sure, the paid to read or click or sign up can make you a little money here and there but they are all based on affiliates so basically the more affiliates you have under you, the more money you can potentially make. the problem is getting people to sign up under you or convincing them the opportunity isn't a scam and that they will in fact get paid for their efforts. it makes it hard to make any kind of good money. especially when some of them are a fly by night company that can go out of business at any time. very risky when you are putting a lot of effort in to it and the consequences of the company are beyond your control.being an affiliate for a product or service is makes it easy to make a little more money than the pay to sites, but soon, the service or product will be outdated and you will eventually have to start fresh being an affiliate with another product or service(usually). most internet products and/or services are fads.the best way to make money simply is to work for yourself with your own product or service and keep updating your products and services. don't just stick with one, but diversify so that if 1 or 2 get burnt out, you can still rely on your other products or services. by creating your own products and services, the sky is the limit. you wont have to worry about fads because your time wont be wasted when you continue to diversify. you wont have to worry about a business going out of business unless YOU quit. you want to diversify in areas that can continue to earn you money from repeat customers like the voip industry or travel industry, webhosting inductry or the isp industry. you can also make it as simple as creating a website around a hobby or a subject you are well informed on. by creating a bunch of relevant content and several pages, some people make a good living just doing that(where is the money in that you ask?) they money is in the ads you place on your website. you can either sell advertising or or place google adsense ads, etc...my point is, to make money online, you have to treat what you are doing as a business. you have to be in control of that business and it has to involve around things that will be around for a long time and that you are in complete control over so if the business fails, you only have yourself to blame. it's harder to get started this way, but in the long run, if you have what it takes be being dedicated and not having that quiters mindset, in the long run you WILL make money. be creative. this is the internet. there are endless possibilities. 25 years ago, some guy sold rocks to people and it made him a millionaire. yes, ordinary rocks! he called them the "pet rock". the more creative you are, the better. no idea is too stupid or too silly and don't let anyone tell you different!i hate this make money forum. it's full of b.s. fly by night opportunities that wont get you anywhere. most of the opportunities allow you to spend 5 hours of your time just to make $20 or less. it's ridiculous. don't fall for these opportunitiesif anyone has any questions or need andvice, ASK PLEASE and i will always be here to put my two cents in with no b.s. i've been around long enough to know what i am talking about and making money online is a hobby. i don't dedicate myself to making money online only because there are more important things in my life outside the net but it IS a hobby of mine and i will be glad to help anyone that needs it.

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