Alain_Lalonde 0 Report post Posted November 27, 2007 In many cases, especially outside the bounds of Resources, and Monetary Systems the Economy is a hindsight. Yet I wrote some articles back in 1998 and got aggressive mail back from certain large main stream media: I wonder what they think now about:The Euro Hammer The day which the European countries decided to gettogether, and make a union out of their great nations has beenquite the change. For ever and forever is a long time, they havebeen at each others throats as vying competitors for regional andpan European superiority and hegemony. Now since the modern age, itas been possible, and after two world wars as a result of theirdignity, perhaps lessons have been learned. The Euro pan community.Illusions need not be made concerning the Euro. A monetary unity isonly as good as the policy behind it. But I have no doubt theEuropeans can find the people who are able to steer it in the rightdirections. Would it not be an interesting observation to makehowever, that since its inception, they have indeed seemingly misseda step, by letting it drop from beyond the scope they wanted its range in respect to its value vis a vis the American Dollar. Somuch so that The Japanese have had to intervene by buying into itand sell off American values to prop it up. The Euro has however, only been in existence for a shorttime. A few months of life is no time at all to see what can be aexpected from a new progeny. It would not be any stretch ofconclusion to think they are watching to see what other nationspolicies will be, and also, what actions would be taken if it wereto fluctuate in various respects. It would certainly not be the goal as they and everyone say,to let it become anterior to the value of the Dollar; superiorneither for superiority promulgates trade protectionist measures ,and mefeance. They would like it to be at an even par or slightlybetter than the American dollar. And it would make perfect sense. Having this accomplished, they will be able to utilize itsstability rendering effect for practices of trade as the Europeansare always a great hub, between the West and the East. It will inessence help to shape the changing of European trading practices,and approaches. Profiling from this, great strides could be made toexpand relationships with Eastern developing nations includingperhaps Africa. This would benefit the regions concerned along withEurope itself. Now however, we enter a new stage. A good indication ofthe practice they will employ to rectify the Euros position is thepresent day situation in the European community. Although whathappens on the the international scene is secondary, it will alwaysbe an interest to Europe's proud nations. Perhaps they will indeed,finally become less reliant on the United States Of America. But ofPrimary issue is the cause of trades and domestic economies. Indeed,they will not be able to follow through with the vision of a betterstronger Europe when both the European union whose reliant greatlyon its principal project the Euro fail to be realized. It will thusbe a necessity to build the Euro to the place where it was firstenvisioned at its inception. We have to remember that it was not a prognoses of the valueit would hold; it was in fact a mark to set from which it would beof value to the world markets, and then the markets themselves. This is now a priority. We can expect that in the week or twoahead, there will be a tightening up on trading approaches, whichwill send a signal to the rest of the world that the Euro is a soundinvestment. This in turn will say the same of the countries whoespouse the euro as their currency. On top of being a necessity forits success, it also has to be a source of desire for the UnitedKingdom, which as yet has to adopt it as their currency. Needless to say, the American dollar will be caught in abind, which will force the federal bank in the United States ofAmerica, to increase interest rates, to offset the demand placedupon the yen to buy American dollars to keep the Euro from assailingit on both sides. For the present, the managing of the Euro is not too muchfar sweeping change, but later we will start to see the effects ofgreater influence. Due to its stabilizing effect. The Europeanswill be able to venture into areas of finance and investment, whichthey were not able to as individual units. This will open doorsunheretofore opened in the Asian markets. If, this were tocoincide with the rebounding economies in Asia, then it could spellgreat competition for American interests in the region. The competition could become fierce, and furious, and fastpaced. If, on the other hand it does not coincide with a reboundof Asian economies it will necessitate the modifications anddifferent remedies. One such remedy could be stages of assistanceand policies of favor for developing countries. The Europeans wouldsee that even if Americans find it difficult to freely invest asbefore in Asia (due to the lack of regulation) it would be good forthem to create liquidity for investment to be possible. Underproper management and adjustment, it could in turn even send theEuro considerably stronger in relation to the American dollar. Thenthe Americans would have to buckle down which means lower interestrates to minimize trade losses and increase investment at home. This could hasten any protectionist views which are bound to come asit did in the booming 80s. That was when the U.S. saw great tradedeficits with Japan. Compared to then, the U.S. will have to deal with a slew ofother Asian countries not just one. Isolationism in that case wouldin deed and practice, be wise. Notice from jlhaslip: Previously posted material needs quote tags, whether your original work or not. 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arnz 0 Report post Posted November 29, 2007 Reading only part of the article, seems the Euro has gone strength to strength since they united the currencies of many European nations not that long ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites