.hack//GU 0 Report post Posted November 13, 2007 This is a simple shoutbox I created in the past for my class.shout!box.php <html> <head> <title> Projekt Shout!box </title> </head> <body> <form action="shout!box_prc.php" method="post"> <table border="2" align="center" width="400"> <tr> <td align="center">SHOUT!!!BOX</td> </tr> <tr height="300"> <td align="center" width="300" > <table border="1"> <?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) { $db="shoutbox"; $query="select * from data order by id desc"; $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query); $fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query);$count=0; do { echo $fetch['id']."-".$fetch['sender'].": ".$fetch['message']."<br>"; $count++; } while (($fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query)) && ($count<10)); } else { echo "Connection failed"; } mysql_close($connection) ?> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> Sender:<input type="text" name="sender"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"> Message:<input type="memo" name="message"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td> </tr> </table> </form> </body></html> shout!box_prc.php<html><title>Processing...</title></html><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) { $_POST[sender] =strip_tags($_POST[sender] ,"<b><i><u>"); $_POST[message]=strip_tags($_POST[message],"<b><i><u>"); $db="shoutbox"; $query="insert into data(sender,message) values('$_POST[sender]','$_POST[message]')"; $insert=mysql_db_query($db,$query); if ($insert) echo "Success"; else echo "Failed to insert"; echo "<a href='shout!box.php'>Return</a>"; } mysql_close($connection); ?> shout!box_adm.php<title>Admin Page</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) { $db="shoutbox"; $query="select * from data order by id asc"; $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query); $fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query); do { echo $fetch['id']."-".$fetch['sender'].": ".$fetch['message']; echo "<a href=shout!box_edt.php?code=$fetch[id]> Edit</a>"." "."<a href=shout!box_del.php?code=$fetch[id]>Delete</a>"."<br>"; } while ($fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query)); } mysql_close($connection);?> shout!box_del.php<title>Deletion</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) { $db="shoutbox"; $query="delete from data where id=$_GET[code]"; $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query); if($db_query) echo "Deleted succesfully"; else echo "Failed"; echo "<a href=shout!box_adm.php>Return</a>"; } mysql_close($connection);?> shout!box_edt.php<title>Deletion</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) { $db="shoutbox"; $query="select * from data where id=$_GET[code]"; $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query); $fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query); echo "<form action=shout!box_edt2.php?code=$_GET[code] method=post>"; echo "<b>Update</b>:<br> Old:".$fetch[sender]."<br> New: <input type=text name=sender2><br><br> Old:".$fetch[message]."<br> New: <input type=text name=message2><br><br> <input type=submit value=Update>"; echo "</form>"; } mysql_close($connection);?> shout!box_edt2.php<title>Edit</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) { $_POST[sender2] =strip_tags($_POST[sender2] ,"<b><i><u>"); $_POST[message2]=strip_tags($_POST[message2],"<b><i><u>"); echo $_POST[sender2]; $db="shoutbox"; $query="update data set sender='$_POST[sender2]', message='$_POST[message2]' where id=$_GET[code]"; $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query); if($db_query) echo "Update Succesful"; else echo "Failed"; echo "<a href=shout!box_adm.php>Return</a>"; } mysql_close($connection);?> SQL QueryCREATE DATABASE `shoutbox`;USE shoutbox;CREATE TABLE `data` ( `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, `sender` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `message` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Data for shoutbox' AUTO_INCREMENT=13;INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (1, 'DivL', 'Hello');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (2, 'DivL', 'Alo');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (3, 'Alo', ' juga');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (4, 'fd', 'fd');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (5, 'w', 's');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (6, 'w', 'f');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (7, 'e', 'f');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (8, 'e', 'fd');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (9, 'e', 'e');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (10, 'g', 'g'); Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forbez 0 Report post Posted November 13, 2007 Nice, quite simple. I'm sure you can make it smaller then that. But it's still very good. What grade did you get for it in class? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suberatu 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2007 It seems good, but do you think you could possibly give a brief expanation of what each segment of code does exactly? You know, for those of us who aren't so fluent in php but might want to make tiny modifications to such a shoutbox. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites