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The Catcher In The Rye

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for my summer reading froject at school we had to read "the catcher in the rye" i did not like it very well but i think it was well writen but something that scared me about was the main character went somewhat "cooccoo" and a couple of the stuff that happened to lead him to his coccooness. happened to me but i'm not too woried.but in the class we are argued that this book is well writen and add to the fact that the auther apparently have not gotten out of his house for a while,which makes him seem a little cooccoo himself, that maybe this wasnt made up but may a little bit of a autobiography. if you've read this wat do you think. the way i see it is that it's posible but if it is they could found more by looking at where he lived during his hearly years and if some of the events matches the stuff from the book.

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