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I Dont Understand On How To Use This Forum? what can i do?

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Well the object of this forum is to post to earn credits, and when you earn enough credits you can get free web hosting. Now the goal is is to make good posts with lots of content and contribution to forums, because the longer your post the more credits you earn, max 10. Of course just from this post alone I assume you did not read the Xisto README. Which explains everything you need to know about how this forum runs, and right now your breaking two rules, the first one posting in the wrong forum, and two posting a short one liner post. So hopefully you come back and read this post and then click on the link that I provided you and come back posting here in the forums.

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Easy, easy. I am most willing to give you some idea on what Xisto offers and how to get about here.

Firstly, before you can get hosting, you will have to earn the so-called hosting credits which is displayed on the message in pink. THe hosting credits are shown in text, which is in aqua colour. This hosting credits are earned through your activity, but mostly, your posts. The longer and larger your post, (could mean higher quality and more helpful to a thread) the more points you will earn. I request you however, no to post within less than 25 words (not alphabets) and your posts has to be totally relevant, though at times, you'd give your personal thoughts or a 'praise', 'comment' or 'jeer'.

Secondly, if you are not interesting in hosting, i suggest you ignore the hosting points meanwhile you continue post quality posts and threads. The Xisto community will be extremely thankful towards your commitment, seriously. You'd never know you will even receive free signatures personally made by the members. (this signatures are probably the significance of their gratitude towards you, be glad, and receive it!)

Thirdly, to apply hosting, approach the appropriate forum and read the stickies in which one of them, you will find a link to a page where you will have to go through a series of questions. This questions when answered, will turn out as the recommended (default display) code for display to ease the administrators and moderators moderation time. (They can see your posts easier in another words)

link (to the sticky for hosting): http://forums.xisto.com/topic/9222-click-here-to-get-your-free-hosting-Xisto-free-web-hosting/

#First, click on this link.
#Secondly, click "Xisto Free Web Hosting Request Form ".
(IF NOT, click here: http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99)
#Thirdly, click "let's get started" in a grey box at the bottom of the page, slightly above the advertisement(s).
(IF NOT, click here: http://ww2.forum500.com/?folio=9POR7JU99)
[You are almost there, hold on it!]
#Lastly, either go the the applications forum customly or be redirected automactically by clicking 'Let's get started' where the page you are able to click 'Lets get started' redirects to the page to submit your application.

Alright, and after this, the team will do an invisible job behind scenes, and if you get accepted (if you are worth it), congratulations! If not, work hard and start posting quality threads while staying active enough.

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Do not listen to anyone for using the forums... That will restrict your imagination...Go ahead and experiment everything.... If you do mistakes Admins/Moderators will let you know... you can correct.Else you are doing the right thing.... No harm in experimenting.That is what iam doing all the days from my joining date...I would also like to mention the support given by the people here... They are awesome man... so nothing to worry...There are many people to guide you here...and tarp17 is one hell of a forest.,...there is more to do in a forest... :P.Welcome and enjoy your stay here...

Edited by varalu (see edit history)

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