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Aoe2: How To Make Cpu Allies Build Gates In Their Walls They just dont do it often enough

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Hi everyone, when im bored i like to play Age of Empires 2, the age of kings with the conquerors expansion pack, i think.. a friend installed it but i think thats what ive got. Anyway i usually play with a CPU ally and i like to trade using trade carts and as i usually play the black forest maps the trade routes are usually a corridor through the trees and me and my ally generally build walls on these routes to stop enemies, obviously i build gates there so my trade carts can get to his city but the CPU doesnt always build a gate there, sometimes it does sometimes it doesnt so what i want to know is, is there a way of forcing the CPU to build a gate here? The only solution ive got so far is to build my own corridor straight to his market using my own walls and gates but if he beats me to building his walls im screwed!Any ideas?

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