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Women And Sexism Bothersome and annoying

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Yeah...that conversation was just plain stupid. Women don't do that...or atleast sane ones don't.

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Yeah...that conversation was just plain stupid. Women don't do that...or atleast sane ones don't.

I don't know maybe the guy was always telling her where to go. The thing could be reversed and the woman could always be telling the guy where to go. I don't see how the above conversation has anything to do with sexism or feminism. One person is acting unreasonable probably and from the conversation it is hard to tell if it is the guy or the girl. Or maybe the are just bickering for the sake of bickering. BTW I don?t think the conversation is particularly sexist. But I think the interpretation of it is just a little off, to say the least.

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Obviously he just had some trouble with a gal. Women or men can be like that. It's their enviroment that pressures them into what they do, and what they are more likely to decide. Now, I am bringing a completely different (but relavent) topic into this, but anywho.On an episode of Malcom in the Middle, a sign is put up into the store where the boy works and it is a sign of a colored janitor holding a bottle of alcohol, saying, "Drink -----" (I forgot what exactly) The boy's mum findser this racist, yet the other colored people laugh at her for thinking this way. I view feminism in a similar way.I mean, if the male of the house works, okay, it'd be nice to cook for him if you're a home maker. If you have a job, and he doesn't, he should be the home maker. Yet, my big problem is, why do women use the excuse of feminism to push men into cooking after and eighteen hour shift of construction work?See, I've seen men do that to women, too. Some lazy *bottom* guy will stay at home, and watch football all day. The wife has to cook after she came home at 9PM.I wish we could just treat each other equally.

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You see Zenchi, when men or women treat that to their spouses or whoever, I don't think it's necessarily because they're being selfish or sexist, but more so that they have no idea what it's like for the other person. I mean, if the man tells her to cook dinner and depending on how and what he says, it could be sexist. The case with the woman doing that is that maybe she doesn't see that he is working however many hours a day and only sees him sitting at home because he's tired from work and thinks he's useless, so she bickers. But I guess it really depends on which side you see it from.

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You see Zenchi, when men or women treat that to their spouses or whoever, I don't think it's necessarily because they're being selfish or sexist, but more so that they have no idea what it's like for the other person. I mean, if the man tells her to cook dinner and depending on how and what he says, it could be sexist. The case with the woman doing that is that maybe she doesn't see that he is working however many hours a day and only sees him sitting at home because he's tired from work and thinks he's useless, so she bickers. But I guess it really depends on which side you see it from.

I still say that is an entirely wrong use of the word sexism. You wouldnt call one side sexist if it was a gay man talking to another gay man or two lesbians bickering. I kind of agree that if one person thinks the other is controlling there is a good chance they are but often two sides have very different interpretations of the same events. What could be insignificant to one person could be the biggest thing ever to another person. What is your basis for concluding the guy is being overly controlling in the first place? Are you using any gender bais to come to this conclusion or if the conversation was reversed would you equally well say the woman is being sexist. Perhaps the guy does everything for the woman and the woman takes any suggestion from the guy as overly controlling. I am just trying to keep an open mind here.

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Personally I think there is a fine line between sexism and empowerment. For example, some women are saying all the female action characters such as, Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, is empowering for women because it portrays them as being tough and whatnot. But some say that they portrayed as sex objects because shes wearing a skintight revealing suit. What can I say? It becomes a blurred line after a while.

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Oooh..Good rights. That's a better way to put it :D That would be correct since equal rights wouldn't be....fair necessarily. Many women who say they want equal rights don't seem to really notice the difference between men and women until they are faced with the same exact things. I mean, they're too totally different sides when you really get down to it. Feminists are really ignorant when we figure out that they (most of them) have no idea what they really want. They go along with getting equal rights because they think it's cool in some way. Good rights is a better word since equal rights are unfair, and some of our current rights are also unfair. Interesting...[ponders]

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I have to bump this because I read the last post...and I'm refuting it and returning to my original statement...having been inspired.I think most of the laws intact right now concerning the two genders are perfectly okay. Some could use some refining and tweaking here and there, but overall they are fair based on how well we as seperate humans can cope.That's where good rights came into place. Is allowing women to do what their ability allows them, rather than restrict them to the home to cook, clean....because in human(istic) terms, our only purpose is not to clean after men. It is not to cook for me and it is not to please men. If we are individuals, we have our own thoughts and personalities. I go back to saying that women don't want equal rights. All those women back then who were fighting for women's rights...I hope they were not truly wanting rights as much as they wanted the respect of others. Respect is what people want. Equal rights does nothing and is not significant. Good rights serve a purpose but not equal rights.

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I agree, until I saw the point about the Bible. The Bible was not written by "old geezers". ( I'm a man. )

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i have no problem with your views and I tend to agree. The whole sexist attitude comes from unmature people who have nothing better to do than act a total *BLEEP*. I don't think Sexism is a big problem we face today like you said. I think we've been getting more accustomed to women tackling a "mans" job today than we were back then. Women have been given better roles in society and they really do make great impacts. Like Hillary Clinton.I think the states rights prohibit certain things that maybe sexist. Then the church does that too. Some things are ok for a man to do but not a women. Especially inthose freaky religions that allow polygamy and stuff.

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There are a lot of women who didnt have a say in regards to the feminist movement cause they werent even born. Also there are women like myself who secretly would love to be a happy housewife but that view is looked down by men and women alike. "Or you're JUST a homemaker?" could almost here them dripping with discust. "Why not use your brain and do something important." So I went out into the working world. Homemakers or full time parents wish to be valued and respected as highly as a man who puts in 40 hours a day at work outside the home! Many women pay day care workers to take care of their own children. These Professionals get paid to do what women get looked down upon for doing. Raising children. How ridiclous is that?


I have worked hard outside the home and it bothered me during my dating life that some men said they believed in sharing responsibilities early on in the relationship but down the road they expected me to wait hand and foot on them. I would have much rathered them say. Im old fashioned I was raised not to do this task or cook dinner, that way I would know what role I was expected to play in the relationship.

I wonder why some men pretend to be all for equal rights but when its all said and done they are nothing but frauds. I am flexible. Most women are flexible and expected to be so otherwise they are lables bit**es. I had this problem with a couple men in the past and they acted like spoiled brats when I said if you say you are going to share in the duties share in them not just in the beginning of the relationship and later treat me like an unpaid field hand.


Im in a great longterm relationship and my guy said something to me that made me smile. He said he wish he made enough money that I could stay home, raise the children and not have to worry about money ever again. Some may say that is sexist I dont. I believe this is how things were meant to be. I also know that many women feel this way and they are in a tug of war with their emotions especially when they have to return to work after having a child. We are told to suck it up and do whats got to be done. Deny our natural born need to nurture our children and make money. Most men do not make enough to support an entire family, nor women for that matter.


See I am independant. I have never lived with a man or had a man take care of me. I did everything on my own. Im not materialistic. I buy my own clothes, pay for my salon treatments, my rent my bills. If I see something that I like I buy it. I never waited on a man. My father skipped out on his responsibilites and seperated from my mother when I was one. I learned early. Men like to play but don't like to stay.(my experience) Something inside of me tells me that its wrong, that its not supposed to be that way. Why men seek out women and vice versa. Just to procreate? Then why do people fall in love. We do we want to share our lives with a significant other. Ive seen the learning channel. I learned biology and chemistry at school, sure we are drawn together but its more than just to make babies and more babies.


If you are familiar with the bible...Adam and Eve, Eve was formed from Adam as a help mate for him. Women have an important role. Why did Adam a helper?Why couldnt he do things on his own. Some may say cause men are dumb(joking, feminist rant.) I am not a feminist, bet you are not surprised. I dont believe that women are superior or that men are either. We, men and women have gifts that are meant to be shared with each other. I wish that men and women could respect each other more, their decisions, roles, choices and their right to go against majority dictates.


Is I sound somewhat confused. You know what I am? Sometimes I want to go this way other times I want to go another. Seems that I cant please anyone even myself at times. Its merely a reflection of todays society.

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I am also going to give Milk a compliment. This issue needs more honest opinions - both from men and women. I personally have always believed that its not just women that need to be emancipated but also men, but in a different way. Men need to realise that they need to work harder to promote eqaulity in thier relationships in order to be appriciated. One thing is for sure, and I feel strongly about this. Man or women, if you see somone being bullied or bothered then you should step up to the plate no matter who you are and intervene. Only in a world where people care about others and bother to correct inapropriate behavior can we get rid of this kind of thing. word of warning - ask if the person is being bothered first before helping and being a hero. to others: don't act tough or be afraid to ask for help, or say 'yes'when someone offers help. ps. for the record (not that it should matter): M

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I come from a long line of assertive women .... right back to my great-great granny.... one of my ancestors was a female pirate.... truly!.... I've never expected not to have the same rights as men.... and I very rarely have found it to be an issue.... occasionally men can be a bit "threatened" and act accordingly, but most guys take you as they find you ..... if they are threatened, that's there problem, not mine....


But I'm not naive enough to believe that sexism isn't alive and well in the 21st Century. However, I'm optimistic that if the current and future generations try to bring up their children to believe that all people are created equal.... no matter their sex, color, creed etc , eventually society will reflect these changes, though it may take some time to achieve this Utopia :P .....

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I totally agree with you, everyone should be equal, it just won't happen though mainly because there are people from both genders, who will always abuse this, you've got the guys who only use women for sex, like some kind of object, and all that, or dont realise that the woman is in fact a person and has feelings and opinions, I sure you are all femiliar with it (for which I would now like to apologize, on behalf of all men). But you also have the women who abuse the system, like dont realise that equality works both ways, or when things dont you there way the cry sexism, for instance on the news a few weeks back a woman was sueing a company for ?1m because she didn't get a job, and there's the just plain weired ones, like one time at college I held a door open for this girl ans she says 'I'm female not disabled' (which if you think about it is prejudiced towards disabled people), you see the thing is I hold the door open for everyone, I'ts the way I was brought up (with manners), any way I'm going to stop now and apology's if that is confusing I have no idea what I wrote, I just kind of go and see what happens, I am a big fan of the bible comment though (but thats a story for another more anti-religion post)

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