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Does Creation Require A Creator?

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:XD: WOW! This got big Quick! The point seems to have been entirely missed here! The topic is the NEED to believe! not whether or not there is a God! it's as if centuries of political manipulation for the sake of social order has given rise to the need for the individual to believe in something higher than one's self! As the Human species developes (or evolves) so does the complexities of daily routines and the alienation of the human psyche, which is fertile soil for the "CREATORS" of man made secular philosophy to sow the seeds self doubt in the minds of humanity in order to gain and maintain of control society, based on a question that is impossible to answer! how did we get here? It really is not important how we got here, what is important is that we are here! What matters MOST is WHY we are here and removing God from the equation forces the individual to accept personal responsibility on a deeply profound level that few are ready to even explore! Nature is LAW! has been and will always be! When will we get it? we are it's *BLEEP*ing guests! it created us AND our GOD!

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There has been many religions over time, especially some that send the same message about god, but in many many variated religions (eg Christianity, Catholic, Jehovahs and so forth). But also, there has been the theory about the "big bang" that started life on earth and so forth. There can be many questions asked if there is a god, why is there sickness, poverty and war in the world, and the like. But I wont go further there. So yes, Its easy to believe in a religion, but creationism? There needs to be something or someone to create something as one of the previous people said. There cant be something popping out of thin air.

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