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Crop Circle Blueprints - Ship, Powerplant Or Both? crop circles contain blueprints to build something

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It is becoming obvious there are communications going on using symbols and drawings in the form of crop circles. These communications seem to be plans of some sort involving water, hydrogen and the splitting and reassembling of molecules.Certainly this qualifies as some kind of new technology. I fear there are those who would try and build such a thing without first fully understanding the technology. (philadelphia experiment...)Has anyone seen these videos on google? Part one and part two are available for viewing by links found on cropcircleship.com check it out and reply here with your views on if this looks like a ship or a power plant or both. I would also be interested to hear opinions on possible connections to the pyramids, bermuda triangle, alien abductions, DNA tampering, the missing link, Atlantis, the arc of the Covenant, the Hutchison Effect, Myan calendar and any other seemingly related material.What do you think it is? Anyone feel up to the task of proving what it is? Post here what do you think it is?teleportertime machineshippower plantcommunication devicecrystal ball (...see the future/past)Imagine that a crashed UFO in the 1940's led to first contact with EI and that over a certain time period mankind has been observed to see how new technologies taken from recovered craft would be used. Imagine the US would immediately cover such sensitive details in the interest of national security and start develping new technologies for military use. Imagine the dissapointment of any EI who may be observing this and maybe they are now convinced the US has Imperialism on the mind rather than information sharing and saving the planet. Fed up with waiting on the US and maybe being lied to they are now showing the technical details to the masses by way of crop circles on such a grand scale as to be impossible for any one countries government to cover it up. Far fetched you say? Well, just watch the videos and remember this is just the tip of the iceberg and a SMALL piece of the big picture. Sends shivers down my spine. ...WOWWhat ever happened to the ship that was used in the Philadelphia Experiment anyway? Is it still around to be examined or was it destroyed?

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Ive just watched one video clip on youtube and its definately interesting, however i feel that when it mentions the tripod like structure that levitated the distinct lack of evidence is a problem, also the fact that the scientific community hasnt tried to replicate it, or it hasnt been published, suggests that it isnt believed or if it was attempted it didnt work.

I think it would be silly to either completely accept these crop drawings as designs or to completely dismiss them. to accept them totally would be insane as everything needs a skeptic, and to discount them all would be foolish in the event that they really are blueprints and were completely ignoring them thus ignoring valuable information, does that make sense?

I hope they are blueprints and i hope i see their creation in my lifetime, but i remain a little unconvinced but definitely open minded.


What ever happened to the ship that was used in the Philadelphia Experiment anyway? Is it still around to be examined or was it destroyed?

well i heard one story where it time travelled instead of teleported and it did so by a few years and they met the creator of the experiment or something. So i imagined that by searching through records we could see if this happened in the past and by monitoring the place where it re-appeared we could see if it is about to happen, it would be brilliant for the ship to just appear somewhere and be seen by millions and recorded in high quality.
Edited by shadowx (see edit history)

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Holy crap! I just saw the best compilation and explanations including decoding of symbols and a message! The crop formation with a picture of a beings head holding a circular thing full of dots. (that's the encoded message) The first time I saw this one it was during credits on another video and I thought it must be computer generated but NO it is real and already been scrutinized like the other authentic formations.Near this image around the same time is what looks like a giant replication (quite detailed) of the very same message that was sent into space back in the 70's by way of a giant radio telescope. Just realizing this alone is HUGE. Since we have already determined how to tell the hoaxes from the real thing it takes researchers and scientists little time to authenticate formations.Google "Maurice Earl Osborn explains the Crop Circles" and watch part one and two. The guy is kind of hard to listen to because he speaks with a droning monotone but the material is riveting to say the least. He must be into math heavily and he explains not only what certain features in formations mean but how it was determined what they mean and it is all science and bang on. Amazing, it's an answer to our radio broadcast.It's funny to see our own reactions to this. Think about it... we're alone, we look high and low all over the planet and we are alone. Then one day we take a deep breath and spew forth this really loud message into the void like we are shouting out loud in isolation somewhere. Then when someone answers we are all running around saying "did you hear that?" and "what the heck was that!?" "it must have been Bill he's such a practical joker". Maybe it took years for "them" to realize we were real and decode our message.Finally they come to answer in our face because we cannot find the transmitted answer that has probably been sent over and over. Or if we have, someone is not playing fair (Illuminati...) and not sharing. So realizing this, "they" are resorting to drawings on such a scale that even those of us not in the sciences will see them and realize they are authentic and maybe even figure them out. It's a good thing there are people among us who are intelligent and DON'T work for the government.Holy crap!

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One thing here, i just watches half of part two, now the strange schizophrenic voice says about the three rotating rings and you see the crop circle with what seems to be three rings, but there are actually four... I'd like to know where that fits in... though of course the voice seems to ignore the fourth ring.the fourth ring is small and is the closest to the center and looks very similar to the other rings but it only has one circle in each segment instead of 3 or 4

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One thing here, i just watches half of part two, now the strange schizophrenic voice says about the three rotating rings and you see the crop circle with what seems to be three rings, but there are actually four... I'd like to know where that fits in... though of course the voice seems to ignore the fourth ring.
the fourth ring is small and is the closest to the center and looks very similar to the other rings but it only has one circle in each segment instead of 3 or 4

Of course scientists who understand physics and chemistry etc. will be the first to recognize what things are and with new discoveries of new technology it takes time to fully understand. Just because you can identify that a single dot represents hydrogen and one dot with two smaller dots represents water molecule doesn't mean that you can go and build a machine. To put it in perspective, look at how many people have trouble building a coat rack from IKEA with pictures and instructions.

There are so many videos to see. When you have seen enough you start to realize that one scientist will agree with other scientists on principles that are based on fact, physics as we know it, chemistry, geometry, math and science in general. Each time someone solves a piece of the puzzle it becomes shared knowledge with the scientific community. Kind of like filling in all the easy words in a crossword puzzle. Sometimes you can get the hard ones without understanding what the word means.

Someone did build a tripod structure that supposedly levitated but I don't think it is anything like a hydrogen generating thing. There have been many proven levitation devices built since John Hutchison revived interest in Teslas experiments with electromagnetism etc... besides the tetrahedron structure at the center of many of the crop drawings has long been understood to be only a part of the whole structure.

Aside from these topics there are things going on now that can be replicated and proven on demand and yet scientists are still unable to explain. I'm thinking of the fact that capacitors are lighter when charged. Find the video that shows how to test this, it's really neat. Simple balance type scales are set up with a capacitor on one side and counter weight on the other. Charge is applied and the scales tip! Power shut off and the scales slowly balance again as the capacitor discharges! Still putting things in perspective: if no scientist can explain this then it should come as no surprise to people that scientists are still trying to make sense of crop drawings which detail technology and concepts of physics that are BY FAR more advanced than what is known today.

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