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Why Cant People Mind Their Own Business Ever wonder what goes on in someones head for them to want the worst f

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I have always wondered why some people just cant keep out of other peoples business. They are always in your face yet you never do anything wrong to them. Like this bloke I work with. Theres guy A and Guy B . Guy A was a supervisor but was made redundant because of Structural change and according to the Union rules or whatever rules govern pay scale and downgrading pay or wage, the law stated that if you made someone reduntant you had to continue their wages at the old leve for a further six months. Well two years down the Line guy A was still getting paid the Supervisors wages and we all gt a hefty bonus as the company was doing so well. Now the bonus is calculated on how many leave days you still have since a stipulated day and how much over time you put into the company and it so happens that GUY B had put in a substantial amount of Overtime and was bragging cause the bonus week he recieved a pay chaeck for 2 500 US about 1200 pounds sterling. and was boasting as most of us were only in the 800 pounds mark about 1700 US dollars. Unfortunately or fortuunately depending on your point of view, GUY A (the ex supervisor got 100 pounds (250 US dollars) more than GUy B because he a had a tad more ovetime put inthan GUY B and GUY B wasnt too happy. He started calculating and realised that Guy A was on supervisors rate and he went straight to the Accounts depart to query why? As if it was his problem if the company was paying someone wrong. Anyway everyone thought that was childish of him but we soon forgot bout it.Then I had an accident at work and broke my hip as one of the fork lift drivers forgot to put a hand brake on his truck while he used the pump up rolatruck to move apallet of boxes into a more suitable position for the fork truck to lift. Anyway As I come round the bend a FOrk truck came crashing down the path and crushed me into a wall seperating my hip from it ball. I was in hospital for 3 months and when I come back to work I was on light duties for 6 months. Now mu company has a Pay for skills pay scale basically theres loads of different machines and each time you learn to operate a machine and get the license for it your wages increase by about 1 dollar an hour so I a licensed on 9 machines and this works out preety much when you work a 50 hour week. You can actually earn more than your supervisorif you learn all 15 machines and they know about 8 . Anyway GUY B started complaining why I was getting paid for running and being licensed to do the machinary yet I was signed offf using heavey machinary yet my pay was supposed to drop after six months according to so called comapnay sickness policy. I cant believe the idiot. Here I was hurt by company machinery and suffering and in pain on all sorts of painkillers and anti biotics and he was complaining because I wasnt allowed to touch heavy machinery cause of my pills. He made a big deal about ti trying to convince anyone and everyone who would listen and eventually I got a letter saying I was to be dropped to basic wage as I was licensed on paper but not physically to operate machinery so the company would not pay me SKILL PAY. I cant believe the nerve. Why could this bloke not stay outof stuff that dont concern him after all its not like he doesnt wonder off and disappear for hours during work time and coming up with all sorts of excuses where he's been. But then I dont care I wont tell on him because my nature is not like that. Why could he just not be like everyone else - miding their own business.

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Argh what an idiot.Yeah those people are nosy, and probably wondering how you DO IT! (Hope your hip's fine by the way.)Don't really have a clue how to avoid these "problems", but life's life. I guess a simple "well that's the way it is, damn it!" would work on the average bloke, so give it a shot.And good luck with work ahead, and your hip!

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This is probably the one thing that absolutly drives me the most insane about Humans. I think at least 99.9% of the population is certain they can run someone else's life better than that person can. While your case is a pretty major interference, so much of the time it's just little nit picky stupid stuff that drives me crazy. Just last week I was at a swap meet with a very tiny, adorable Chihuahua pup. I raised him from birth, and know exactly what he likes and doesn't like. As it happens, he likes this new brand of dog food I'm using, but it is in large chunks. He loves the stuff, and can somehow chew it up just fine. But I bet I had a half a dozen people *BLEEP* me out for giving that poor little dog big chucks of food. As a complete stranger just walking by, what on god's green earth makes them think they know more about my little pup than I do?????

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I will tell you exactly why people don't mind their own business because they are nosy and they feel as though they need to know everything thats going on and if they don't then they feel like they are missing out on something. Also curiosity is the same part of it pretty much, its happen all the time theres really not much you can do about it, its just the way some people are.

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the first one I actually kinda think the guy has a point in, sure, it isn't his business, but were I in his position and I found the other guy was getting supervisor pay I'd be pissed, too.the second one, I totally agree with you, though, because it's not your fault you got injured, plus it was on the job so the company should really be paying you MORE. I usually mind my own business unless i think something is bothering one of my friends or family members and then I tend to pry and try to make things right... I think I just want to make people feel better, though they don't always see it that way...

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Hi I feel bad for you but I have to agree with cangor with the first issue as any person would react . But then again people do have this notion that they can live for you better. I mean I have been in a phase where people were so bothered about my life that it was amusing at first but then just plain irritating.I generally do not like people who think that they know every thing or are always right. I do not mind if that person is actually right but hot air just irks me. I would advise my acquaintances and all but would stop before I seem intrusive. But then you cannot avoid them,I guess you have to live with them or else they get this notion that you are scared of them or are feeling guilty about being "wrong" :XD: Yeah Right!! Anyway Take care mate.

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I am under the impression that Guy B has some serious insecurity issues especially when it comes to pay. It severely offends him to know that other guys are paid more than he is.For the first one (Guy A) I agree that almost anyone would react the same way he did. After all, Guy A was boasting and getting paid for something he didn't work/suffer for. I mean the redundancy pay, not the overtime work he does.For the second situation, that is just completely irrational. Methinks he will be singing a different song were his own hip be the one broken. Then again, that is just my own opinion and there's only one way to prove or disprove it, ne? :)Best of luck on your hip. Hope it mends well soon, even if it's just to get Guy B off your back :XD:

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Firstly let me say I appreciate the get well wishes and they have been well received.I just got back from work and when I tell you this you will laugh I tell you. Because I am on the injured list or so as I will call it for this forum, I havent been able to put in as much over time as I used to. Basically I dont accept over time if there is someone who can do the whole shift cause I can only do light duties. So basically when Theres overtime going I dont accept the offer unless everyone else says they can do it. Well I'm only trying to be fair to everyone else. After all they are more capable than I am (even though I am at about 85% capacity now). Today we were doing some orders targeted to go out to the customer 11 00 am tommorow morning and we were strugling cause of poor overtime turn out. U see our company has what is caled shut down weeks. Basically we work four days go off two days work another four nights and off for six days. The six days are shut down weeks. We still get paid our normall weekly wages even on shut downs mind. and during these shut down weeks sometimes there is work needing to go out to the custome so half the time everyone has an oportunity for over time during the two days off in between and on the six days and six nights off. Currently we are on the six day shut down and there was overtime yesterday and today. I did 3/4 shifts as I had physio thereaphy on both mornings and then I'd go to work. Anyway by the close of business there was some work needing to got out the door tommorow 11 00 in the morning and it was nt dont so management come round asking if anyone was up for working 2 to 4 hours max tomorrow to which most people said no they werent interested. The manager even offered that whoever was coming in could come a few hours late say at nine and not six cause the job was only for a couple of hours and as long as the work was ready for the dispatch at 1055 that was all that was required and everyone said nah no point doing 2 - 3 hours overtime its not worth it blah blah blah. So I offered to come in since no one was up for it but I reminded him I was n the injured list and could only do the light duties like produce invoices and Labels for the goods and taping up the boxes once the machines had filled them up and two other guys said they'd come in too and help. The manager smiled and said THANK YOU very much. To show my appreciation come in a couple hours late as agreed do the two, three hours get the work out the door and you can go home. One the overtime list I will pay you for 12 hours like a normal day. Thank you very much you saved the company's neck and he walked away.GUY B from the aforementioned story did take this quite wel and started to complain, blah blah blah how come thats never happened when I am overtime, Mandla you come in a couple of hours late cause of your so called physio and you get to have 12 hours at time and a half for two three hours work thats like six time your normal rate. Thats so unfair.Wierd bit is tey had all turned it down because they thought it wasnt worth and I had only said I would do it as the last possible option amongst the workers. They were probably laughing inside when I had agreed thinking I'd come in for 3 hours and I wouldnt see a penny of it cause I'd be in the next tax bracket but when mr manager anounced the full days pay they suddenly were kicking themselves for not volunteering.Wierd thing is GUY B actually went to another manager and tried to have the 12 at time and a half hours revoked is we didnt stay the full hours but was told that it had been agreed between management to pay that rate as a thank you because they knew most people wouldnt be dedicated enough to help the company unless they knew what was in it for them so they had been deiberately told to hold back that incentive until after the volunteers had come forward. I cant believe he even mentioned to the other manager that I wasnt in full woring capacity and that maybe he should come in since I wasnt that much of much help. either he replace me tommorow or come in aswell but the manager said no. Whats done is done and he come back effing and blinding under his breath and had the nerve to tell the other lads about his conversation with the other manager. Maybe all in a bid to show that he isnt afraid to say whet he thinks I dont know. Wierd thing today is a lot of people seemed to agreed with that I should not have been allowde to volunteer and someone else should have got the opportunity as I was a half person hehehehe but they only have themselves to blame cause they had said no for five mionutes and I was there silent listening to the manager begging his heart out about how the order was so important and if we ouldnt come tomorrow could some of us sta on after knocking off time just to finish it but they were like NO NO NO. and I said No in my heart at first but when I heard the sob story about how the customer had begged and they had finally agreed I thought what the heck I will offer to come in just so they know I was willing to do so. But I didnt know the other two guys would agree too.I guess GUY B learnt his leasson today or he's still to learn more after the telling of he got bout trying to be sneaky

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Just for revenge I start talking about the guy and when he comes around just stop talking and look at him to get him really annoyed :), the dude has some serious problems and I would bring up to the managers on the fact that he rather ruin others opportunity or earn some more money. The dude needs a serious reality check and realize that if he wants to get anywhere that he should voluteer and do the work instead of complaining when other people get the benefits for doing extra work.If I had someone working with me like that I make their life miserable and paranoid just because they rather be that person who has nothing else better to do then bring people down because he fails to take the opportunity to do the same work. :XD:

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