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What Is Trap17? What Is The Nature Of Trap17? Is there a Mask to Unmask for the Truth behind Trap17

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I'm new to Xisto, but I've heard nothing but positive and glowing reviews about it, from coworkers, friends and family alike. I was interested in hosting at Xisto, but when I searched Xisto for reviews, I found a peculiar page (trap17watch.buddhasdomain.com), that said Xisto was a BAD thing. Ive heard nothing but positive reviews about Xisto's forums, but when I investigated the website furthur, I found several pieces of evidence about why not to use Xisto's posting. I was shocked to find examples of users abused by Xisto administrators and moderators, and even more shocked to read the story of one specific user. I silently wept for that poor person, feeling sorry for his suffering at the hand of the forum. After thinking about this issue, I began to wonder if hosting at Xisto was for me. I've heard of other hosts, but I've heard more positively about Xisto. I need help clarifying this issue, as I would really like to begin my hosting as soon as possible. Thank you and have a nice day!

Notice from OpaQue:
Topic Title and Description Edited. Post is about Xisto, but has been posted under Xisto - Web Hosting section.

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Hi Helpfulbuffalo,


Thank you for being so open and frank with us and taking the effort of going a step ahead to research yourself to find out the truth behind Xisto. I can assure you that all your Questions will be answered in just 3-4 days of participation. Look around the forums, search numerous threads, check out the vast number of hosted people, their experiences and of course the management of the forums. This should give you an assurance that how people on the web these days believe in the policy of growing by pushing others down. It feels sad that the internet users are the ones to suffer in the end. Its a pity that the endless efforts of a chosen few to push us down could had been used to help those on the web whom they could serve.


I am sure you will feel the togetherness at Xisto and the enjoy the real meaning of the word "COMMUNITY". Let the feeling go so deep that you should not think that you are just a member here but you are an intrinsic part of Xisto. The unity and support of this place gives you the feeling that at the end of the day, you finally have a home on the web where your family is waiting for you and waiting to listen to you. I won't say further because I can go on and on.


My Intro : I am a very simple person who believes in a peaceful life. I consider my day successful when I don't realize how 19 hours of my day passed by and I again stand in front of my bed to end another day. This phrase always inspired me and I made it a point to keep it at the back of my head.

"It is soo simple to be Happy, but so difficult to be Simple :-) "


My work has given me a purpose to live and what more can I ask from it. It made me walk on the right path and out of those 1000 people I came across teaching me DOs and DON'Ts of life, I knew what I had to do. It gave me the courage and strength to say "No" to the most tempting things which came to drift my flow of life. No one in this world can ever feel my devotion to my work and my depth of belief that "Work is Worship". I am grateful to God that he made me realize the real meaning on those 3 simple words.


I am grateful to everyone in this community who believes in me and has faith in me. For if they believe in me, they believe in my worship and have faith in it. I have served my purpose.



Have a great time here Buddy.. And Enjoy Xisto :-)

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Ahh the fears of the unknown is what makes people great, of course it also helps to be one of the longest members here. To start off the only abuse I seen is that members keep coming back for more, and quite a few of them have moved on to paid hosting because their free trap domain can no longer handle the load of a free hosting account. The only problems that made on this forum are done by spammers, and people who decide rules are not important; people forget this is a business and all businesses have rules, if they didn't capitalism would be pretty much non existence.Most likely that person who domain you so kindly posted, failed to the follow the rules, its not hard to follow them if they did they be enjoying the same hosting as I have for the last 3 years. Of course they failed to realize that the internet is all about content that is useful and can help someone out, spam is what ruins website and on top of that there is a difference between a business community website and a community website. That difference is simple a business website is trying to earn money, and a community is for people to hang and talk about stuff.I found a particular interesting post that mentions "Xisto Owns Posts", if they did I wouldn't be posting all my posts on other websites and on top of that no one can tell me where I can post. Of course I like to use my name on other sites so those who like to claim otherwise will have a hard time proving me wrong. Of course I find it more interesting that a person on that website you point has nothing else better to do but try to bring down a community that has been a second home to me, I may have had some problems with a few particular members in the past but I moved on and I have gain the biggest respect from all the members. If the IPB reputation mod was put on this forum I would have quite a lot of it.Finally I would like to say that I know everyone and everything that goes on trap and I would know who trying to make themselves look good while to bring down the site, so for those who are listening don't start fights you can't win, because my Kung Fu is stronger (The Core) and it will hurt.

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Well, so far you've only heard from staff members of Xisto, so they could be swayed and tell you it's good when it's not right? Well then how about hearing it from a regular member? In my experience, it can sometimes be hard to get that first 30 credits to get your hosting package, but it's definitely worth it afterwards. For free hosting, it's amazing. It's better than some paid hosts. I asked for them to put Ruby on my account, offereing some hosting credits for it, so they install Ruby on Rails on the server for everyone for free. Bottom line, if you don't mind be active on the forums, Xisto is the way to go for free hosting.

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Well.. I looked at the website "Xisto Watch" and the guy is obviously a clown. I am going to quote a few statements from his site and explain why he is an idiot.

This quote reveals the true purpose of Xisto. Buffalohelp admitted that Xisto is merely an advertising vehicle for Xisto - Web Hosting.

Lets be honest people... Xisto obviously doesn't exist simply to please random web users. Every websitehas a purpose and I'm sure the founder of Xisto is not paying hundreds of dollars of bandwidth to resell to you for free. Xisto offers a sample of a service - if the user likes it then theres a chance he will upgrade to a paid host in the same network. Most free hosts without ads work on this theory.

Can't seem to organize his thoughts very well. Notice how he is saying the site was created because T17 was allegedly deleteing posts, but he'll take it down if BuffaloHelp leaves because of abuse. Seem like two completely different issues.

This site would never have been started if they did not try to block negative reviews.
I would see nothing wrong with Xisto if Buffalohelp was gone. In fact, we would shut this site down upon Buffalohelp leaving because we feel that all of the negative things that happened to us on there were caused by him.

This guy is an idiot. Would you atleast put ads on your website to benefit from the ridiculous scheme. Would an admin please get his IP and relate it to another account?
Edited by 9block (see edit history)

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Can't seem to organize his thoughts very well. Notice how he is saying the site was created because T17 was allegedly deleteing posts, but he'll take it down if BuffaloHelp leaves because of abuse. Seem like two completely different issues.

We, the authors of Xisto Watch (yes, it was started by more than one person), declare this one of the stupidest statements ever read. If you read the ENTIRE post, verses taking bits and pieces of it, you will realize that we think Buffalohelp is responsible for the deletion issues, so getting rid of him would resolve our issue with this site.
We hope that 9block can be a little more intelligent and not just take bits and pieces of a single thought because if you read the whole thing, it makes sense. I guess it goes to show that it doesn't take half a brain to get hosted here.

The ENTIRE post is below just for 9block:

We would see nothing wrong with Xisto if Buffalohelp was gone. In fact, we would shut this site down upon Buffalohelp leaving because we feel that all of the negative things that happened to us on there were caused by him.

Edited by chris.p.rat.56 (see edit history)

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The Xisto Readme file contains a clause which declares that Flaming another member is grounds for a reprimand.That applies in this case. Posting deleted.

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You know something. I have had enough of all this rubbish going on. I know who is behind all of this and the only reason I am keeping quiet is because I do not want to insult you guys OR behave like you cheapos.

One of your pals wrote " Dont be deceived of a devil who comes in the form of a helpful buffalo" Does that mean that we stay away from you helpfulbuffalo???????? :D

Anyway back to the topic... I know it is just two or three of you who are periodically coming here to feed your website. I dare you to tell the truth and admit who you really are :D and why you are here. You made one of our good members Bicuitrat feel really bad and uncomfortable.

Oh Yeah and if you write an article on your website, at least make it a bit decent and make it sound like you are speaking sense not like a bunch of 10 year olds who got miffed because they were not allowed to stay awake after bed time.

Oh Yeah! Please solve the mystery of raekerbpart and helpfulbuffalo for me... Its like raek came online spammed here and there and disappeared then comes helpfulrubbish and spams here and there. Now to prove that all the three are not the same member Mr Chris comes online :( What a laugh....

To cut this issue short, your ip has been banned. Please find another ISP to spam here. I mean for heaven's sake man,

It is obvious that you are not interested in our hosting but merely want to cause a bit of a fart here and then. Say that you are after Buffy and Buffy alone. Don't make a pathetic excuse like " I heard nothing but good about trap but......"

I was going through your website and I realized that you guys are using Trap to get your 15 minutes of fame. How amateurish Psshaw ...

I am not bashing the compteition. I am only bashing a webhost that just shouldn't be online anymore.

I smell jealousy somewhere......Anyway you guys should be ashamed that you are trying to ruin a good forum just because you are scared of the competition . Wow I can see my name there HA HA :D My 15 minutes of fame.

P.S:- You guys have really offended OpaQue, He is the one who banned the Ip. Now I can expect an article talking about how Buff has manipulated and brain washed OpaQue..... So predictable :XD: :)

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We, the authors of Xisto Watch (yes, it was started by more than one person), declare this one of the stupidest statements ever read. If you read the ENTIRE post, verses taking bits and pieces of it, you will realize that we think Buffalohelp is responsible for the deletion issues, so getting rid of him would resolve our issue with this site.


We hope that 9block can be a little more intelligent and not just take bits and pieces of a single thought because if you read the whole thing, it makes sense. I guess it goes to show that it doesn't take half a brain to get hosted here.



The ENTIRE post is below just for 9block:

1. You have used multiple logins to this site.

2. You are hiding behind a username.

3. You have also been flaming some people here. You are therefore responsible for DISTURBING the peace at Xisto.

4. You have insulted Xisto by pointing fingers to my chosen Admin. Instead, an apology to whatever you did here could had solved the problem. You are speaking w/ 0 posts in your profile. Your words have lost its credibility in first place. So, speak with your REAL ID.

5. You created an entire site to defame Xisto.

6. I have to manage 5000 sites on Xisto, manage marketting, manage sales, check finances, work on cluster projects, attend meetings and handle my appointments, crappy paperworks etc. etc. and etc... and your stupid "REPEATED" arguments are forcing me to reply you.. thereby wasting my ------time------.


My Good man, just look at the above points which --define-- "YOU". Why should anyone listen to you?

Considering all the above points. You have been banned. I give right to my entire team to ban "you" (no matter how many times you signup) without any further notice.


--No further Posts, topics would be entertained of this sort.--

--Issue closed once and for all--


By Order,


Shridhar Pare.

Xisto.com Owner,

Xisto Corporation.

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