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Is Fantastico Ever Coming Back

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I know people ask alot especially the last few months, but is it ever going to come back..Yes its better to upload and install all the programs directly from the sites and get the updated versions.. but fantastico was so easy especially when i used it to run a quick test site for certain things.So im just wondering if it will ever come back...

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Something tells me it will... and I think your question is really: when will it come back? But you know you don;t want to ask this because the answer has been stated 100 times. Thats just a stab in the dark :D

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yeah that is true...and like right now ive been using wp and ive been trying out new themes,, and i m really lazy since im going to have to manually vreat mysqls and uopload everything,, versus the one click add a name and your set installed by fantastico.. and as stated above there are some thing that fantastico has that i liked using.. old or not.. still cool.

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Although Fantastico is down, it is actually more helpful the reason being is that when you go and download software that fantastico provides its will be updated and more secured then the fantastico versions. The next part as to why it is helpful not to have fantastico, people get to learn how to install, edit files, and run the programs from scratch without the need of the quick install. That way when you come across problems and find the solution you can turn around and answer someone who has the same problem and so you learn something new and you teach someone else something new.

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SM... that is true in one sense. But lets say I'm doing a clean install of Joomla, a program i've installed on my account twice. Personally, I never used the program, and the first time I installed (I used readme/manual) I had some problems. I hen uninstalled and reinstalled with no problems. Now I know how to install joomla and I feel I would be fairly confident in it. But now if I wanted to install, or resintall I would have to download joomla, unzip, upload, change permissions and start uploading. Then I would hav to go through the instalation process. However, I have done this twice (and do fell confident as I said) so It would be alot easier for me to use Fantasico.The only benefit of me installing it myself, I would insure I would have the latest version. My guess, even the latest version of Fantasico would have version 1.0.11.... however Joomla has been quick with there updates and security fixes... so there version is now out to 1.0.13.But you are right in some cases, however it would be alot easier for me to use Fantasico in my case. This is just an example. Im sure for your website, youwould probably be quicker off using Fantasico - I say that assuming you know what your doing and can already install simple web scripts. So for the noobs, I dont say that offensively... it would be better off (hopefully) to manually install. Provided they don;t screw up and get completely lost with no hope. Just my two cents... but you are right.

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