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Glazun's Comic's As seen on the bkiss message boards

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Ham ham clonez





Spawn : BAHAHAH! soon my hamsters will grow and multiply and form GIANT HAMSTERs.. MUWHAHAHa..-cough-






Spawn : PURFECT!






Spawn: You know, my hamster will kill your's in the deathmatch!

Bexa : But, this is a competition about how cute hamsters are, we all win!





Spawn : Wh-what?

Bexa : You don't think my little hamsters will fight? They're more intelligent than that


back stage the hamsters disscuss tatics




Spawn's hamster : This one time, spawn, he tried to microwave me. and I broke the microwave.

Bexa's hamster : -chews spawn's hamster-

Spawn : Oh hamster! WHERE ART thou?





spawn : hey.. where did that bloody thing go to.. aww... isn't this a cute pink hamster..

Bexa's hamster : -chews on spawn-


The next day




Police : th-thi-is is the POLICE, freeze!

Hamster : -dies from heartattack-

Police : ... aww..crap... that's not good.. the dounut shop is empty.



Want to be in a comic? Post what your character would look like, and give a short description of yourself



It has to bee less than a essay ?_? and more than just "Make me cool".. and remember, it's a joke, so, if you can handle me calling you "A fat loser" then, you really wont like to be in a comic :D

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Lmao it's really funny....but...why me ... :DI like the other one better the tennis one lmao..that was funny it cracked me up .. :DDo you draw comics as well ? WOuldn't that be better ?

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