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Paris Or Spears? ..?

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Well this is certainly an interesting question. I would probably go with Brittney just because she doesn't seem to be in trouble as much as Paris is. Plus, she has a better voice. Paris would be nothing without her dad I think, and she hasn't really earned her money, unlike Brittney. But honestly, I would never marry either one because they both seem like Hollywood snobs.

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I would probably marry Paris if I had no choice but in all honesty if I had the choice to not marry either of them I would take that choice because both of them seem to be a little dim and certainly excessively whiney.

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Paris Hilton, it's really an easy decision. Paris Hilton has a lot more money, and she also has a normal area of which we don't speak of. Britney Spears private part (below the waste) is just weirdly deformed. Also, Paris seems to be in better shape, Brittney looks like shes gaining weight by the day. Also Brittney Spears went out with Kevin Federline (also known as K-Fed), with a record like that she is just too embarrassing. Paris might act dumb, and she might well be, but she has more money, and is less embarrassing, in my opinion, than Brittney Spears, she is my choice. I would probably even marry Paris to see how it went. If I didn't I would get a divorce, because of the stereotypes, I could just divorce here and run away with all the money, because she's supposedly dumb, and would forget to sign the Prenup. I used to love Brittney when she was just first emerging as an artist, she was really beautiful and had a lot of talent, now shes she shear nothingness, lost every thing she had, I doubt she has any vocal talent left and the prettiness she once had has disappeared.

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I would go with neither due to the fact they are as dumb as you can get, they are hot I give them that but after seeing all the stuff they have done last 2 years I wouldn't even want to associate myself with them. To break it down further Paris is a party girl and that gets you into trouble far too easily; on top of that If I were her parents I wouldn't even let her take over my hotel franchise (I don't think they will anyways :P). As for Spears, she is a mental case who stress's out rather quickly; beating a car down, shaving her head, and some other fun stuff. I am surprise they haven't taken her kids away from her because of the way she is acting.I give them datable but not worth the stress of getting married by either one of them. To think people thought I was immature but compared to these two women I am sane :D.

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Aww... you forgot to include Lindsay Lohan in this! Since I'm a girl and can't marry any of them, I can honestly say neither! :D I'll just have to settle for being part of your lesbian fantasies 'cause I've heard they both "play for the same team."

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i would say neither. honestly, i don't know why paris is a big deal to some americans. i don't see anything special from her, but when i turn on the tv, i could see paris from almost every news channel not to mention larry king. on the other end of the spectrum, there's britney who is probably in the depths of nothingness already. i usually vote for the underdogs but she's just not worth it. but then again, she was in the spotlight before, just like paris (only i think britney was younger, correct me if i'm wrong). her share of spotlight is now over. i never really liked her voice (i remember hearing her singing live, she sounded like a frog), nor her way to fame. but i do admit she's good at dancing.

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