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My Tv Is Following Me Is Tv is good entertainment channel?

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Some time i discover my self, a little mad about Some Tv channels and i realize that i can't live without my Tv, i use to spend 6-8 hours daily on watching Tv. i realize that durring my University exams, when my parents don't allow me to watch tv, i feel uncomplete, i feel like some thing is missing in my life, Although i have a girlfriend for my entertainment but a girlfriend can't be a replacement of Tv :D .I am asking to you is Tv as entertainment have some value in your life, think for a minute and tell me.

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Some time i discover my self, a little mad about Some Tv channels and i realize that i can't live without my Tv, i use to spend 6-8 hours daily on watching Tv. i realize that durring my University exams, when my parents don't allow me to watch tv, i feel uncomplete, i feel like some thing is missing in my life, Although i have a girlfriend for my entertainment but a girlfriend can't be a replacement of Tv :D .
I am asking to you is Tv as entertainment have some value in your life, think for a minute and tell me.

After I discovered news sites like Digg and Slashdot I haven't really needed to watch the TV since I have the rest of my entertainment on my computer - games and websites and project gutenberg vanilla texts et cetera. There was one point where I valued the television more than the computer, but now I see that the television has so many limits compared to a computer - often news reports will come on the internet faster than they come on the television because typing, inserting a camera feed, and a small picture embedded into the page is much easier to execute than reporting news with the anchormen questioning the field reporters on the spot. Plus, political discussions on the internet seem to be filled with much more content and valid points than in a television news station.

Besides, television is now filled with junk like reality shows and celebrity news that I don't want to watch because those shows unintellectual pointless waste of airtime in my opinion. I don't really care if Britney Spears shaved her head. If some teenager did it and reported it to the media I don't think they would care, so why should I care about some star doing it? They don't have any divine right to be any more reported than we are if they haven't contributed a fair amount of good things to society than substandard television and other various facets of entertainment.
Edited by Tetraca (see edit history)

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Besides, television is now filled with junk like reality shows and celebrity news that I don't want to watch because those shows unintellectual pointless waste of airtime in my opinion. I don't really care if Britney Spears shaved her head. If some teenager did it and reported it to the media I don't think they would care, so why should I care about some star doing it? They don't have any divine right to be any more reported than we are if they haven't contributed a fair amount of good things to society than substandard television and other various facets of entertainment.

Amen! The only reason that I watch T.V. anymore is for funny shows (Family Guy, Simpsons) and sports (Huskers obviously). Besides that, there really isn't much more worth watching. The computer is so much more addicting because I can find everything on it! I can watch T.V. clips from YouTube and get sports scores from 10,000 sites. So T.V. does provide me with some entertainment, but I could certainly live without it.

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