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My Mmorpg Addiction Masive Mulitplayer Online Role Playing Game Addiction

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Are you currently addicted to any MMORPG's? If so you are like me. I am currently addicted to ffxi. I know its bad for me and I know I should stop but its so hard too just quit. I've been playing the game on and off now for about 3.5 years and still no where near completed what I want to do in the Game. They keep releasing new expansions so you can never keep up unless you have an active community(clan/linkshell) which do the events you want because the end game experience is mainly dependent on having large groups of people(18+). This can be a problem when your online playtime differs so much because you play on a server with people from different sides of the globe so pretty much you dont get much done with out 18+ people there at the same time with the same goals.We've seen the reports on TV, Internet and news papers about these kind of addiction being so bad. I know I should quit or atleast cut down on playtiime and not let it ruin my life but I guess the reason I keep playing is because I dont want to lose the friends I have made online and give up on a game that I've invested so much time in. There is still things in game I want to do but its so hard and not easily achieved. I have been addicted to alcohol, cigeretes and drugs(weed) before but I've managed to quit. I used to be very active before and now I hardly go for walks. I guess thats what addiction can do to you if you dont find help.I am still playing, my subscription is still on, I dont know for sure when I will make the final decision and quit once and for all. I was planning to take a break at the end of june but this big event was planned so I am sticking around for anaother month...

Edited by sonesay (see edit history)

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I used to be sooo into runescape. It feels bad to be addicted to something thats not productive, huh? I got addicted to guitar (which I'm PROUD of) and stopped playing MMORPGs completely. I don't even think about it. You should just look into things like singing, dancing, reading, writing, just try to develop something that seems ridiculous.Although I still suggest guitar... Or bass guitar. It's SO easy to find a band when youre a bassist because there's such a shortage!!!! You should seriously consider just looking at second hand instruments in your area for sale.Good luck. Just maybe try to break all the rules (its fun!) and you might get frozen. You'll be heartbroken, but you'll be super cool for being able to do that =3

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I been addicted to RO(Ragnarok Online) for about4 years now but its getting to the point wee I need to have a life and start doing something else so I went back to college and now I'm working on Information System speclist program and I'm finally going out but I still play RO about 4 hours a day that is good compared to 24 hours and 48 hours lol but everything is getting better and I hope one day I can just break form RO and play it once and a while and still keep my online friends with that all said and done I was like to give advice to people out there who are addicted to any MMORPG enjoy your time while you can the days will go by fast and the next thing you know you think your to old to play so just have fun and one day you will quit I just know it-reply by Matt


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Don't worry about losing the friends you made while playing an MMO. If they are actual friends, you have a way to contact them outside of game, and you will stay in touch. If you don't stay in touch, they weren't a friend, they were someone on your "friends" list, which really should be called a "contacts" list, but the gaming company profits more when you consider the people you meet in game to be your "friend" and not just some acquaintence.

-reply by nobody cares

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MMO Addiction ConfessionMy Mmorpg Addiction

I appreciate your situation.  I started playing MMOs 10 years ago.  I was so moved by the complexity and artistry of an MMO world I fell in love.  My imagination was finally fed a visual drug that had action!  My imagination was respected here and now I could interact with my fantasy with other like minded goonies and geeks.

I accidentally stumbled on the MMO because my live in wife was slowly leaving me (a result of her addiction problems not game related).  I hid from her sight and hoped we could rekindle but it never happened.  So I hid away in my fantasy world that I had found to take the place.

It keeps from getting in trouble, it keeps me home, its cheap entertainment and there are ready made friends who share my interests without ever being asked "can I crash at your place" or "can I borrow your car"...Etc... It was perfect.

My x finally left and I became a full blown gamer.  Fully immersed and without fully respecting its power fully addicted.  I now readily admit to being an addict.  I manage my addiction to 2- 3 hours daily but not every day.  I do indulge in one day a week where I do 4- 6 hours at one sitting.  All of this is daycare time since I used to spend Friday night - Sunday night online and sleeping only at necessity.  Easily putting in 40+ hours weekly.

I've broken that level of involvement but I now indulge because I love it not because just because I'm addicted.  Family comes first, Work, health and I have a new GF who now lives with me and she's very supportive of my interests.  I make time for all of it the best I can.  I like it all.

I seriously don't think an MMO addiction is all that harmful or any more useless than watching tv which every American does an abusive amount of for no real good reason other lazyness.  At least with an MMO your mind is alert and your interacting with other people.  Some game play can be very complicated and demanding. 

People who don't like fantasy usually say negative things about fantasy MMOs.  Thats fine their muggles and I don't like muggles much.  They are a waste of time.  Fantasy is where its at, and imagination is the drug.  Feed the habit.

-reply by Bilbo

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