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My Bird is funny and stupid

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I got it about 8 month ago. It was about 20 days old when i got it , it fell from the nest or something. They were gona give it a 5 year old :). It would have died. It needs to eat like every 15 minutes O_o, and i doubt that kid would done that :).Any ways its funny and stupid XD. One time during winter , it was raining and it was very cold, instead of sitting in its nest (its a female). It had a bath O_o. like wtf? I know birds are stupid but common thats too much XD.I keep it out of its cage during the day, it flys all over the house, stands on my shoulders and eats with me. But it shits on my head like 5 times a day :)

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What kind of bird is it?Several years ago we had a pair of road runners here. Pretty rare in this area, so I thought it was pretty neat to have them. I was always careful to move slowly whenever I have to walk past one, and eventually they decided I was ok, and they didn't run from me. Then, I discovered their favorite food was mice! Ok, now that's my kind of bird! I started setting mouse traps, and when I would see the roadrunner, I would take any trapped mice out and toss them to him. Didn't take him long to figure out what I was doing. Believe it or not, it wasn't long before he was so tame he would come and take a mouse right out of my fingers! Ya think I should change my nickname to Wiley Coyote????

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More and more people are having birds as their pets. Parrots, Macaws and Parakeets are among the most popular and can become wonderful pets if you pick the one that fits your lifestyle. Birds have become popular as pets because of their brainpower and sociability plus colorful physical appearance that make them a great pet to take care for. The basic things to think about in taking care of a pet bird are the bird?s diet, hygiene, housing and training. Taking care of pet bird requires you learn a few general health facts so be sure to do plenty of research on the type of bird you want before considering having a pet bird.Birds, like us humans, also need a well balance diet to be able to cope with life?s physical challenges. There are plenty of seeds and ready-mixed seeds available, but be sure to give your bird foods with high nutritional value such as vitamins and minerals. You may also feed them with fresh vegetables and fruits every now and then and don?t forget to keep their water supply as fresh as possible. Moreover, remember to keep your pet bird?s feeder and water dispenser clean by washing them with water and soap and make sure to rinse them thoroughly. Aside from bird?s diet it is also important to be particular of bird?s hygiene.Your bird?s hygiene is as important as his diet. Keeping your pet bird clean keeps him free from diseases and will help him live a long and happy life. Taking a bath is also part of a pet bird?s hygiene; they need it to wash away the dust that tends to settle on their feathers and also to warm them. Though birds tidy themselves naturally, you may also groom them by yourself by trimming their nails, beak and wings, but be sure to take extra precautions to avoid accidents. One way of keeping your pet bird clean is by keeping his cage as clean as possible.Bird?s cages have a direct affect on your pet bird?s cleanliness. Dirty cages contribute to the majority of bird?s diseases so it is very important to keep it clean at all times. Your birds cages should be comfortable enough for your bird to move around in. Be sure to place it in a well-ventilated area and keep it away from other pets that would possibly harm them such as cats and dogs.Birds like most pets are also trainable. They can easily be trained because they are very intelligent and are sociable beings just like humans. However, before you can train them you must earn their trust. Even though birds are smart, it takes some time and patience before they are able to learn what you are trying to teach them. If you don?t get discouraged, you can rest assured that your pet will respond accordingly. Always keep in mind that practice and perseverance will always win out.Taking care of a pet bird entails a lot of effort and responsibility. Like most pets, commitment is needed to be able to have a beautiful bird with lots of talent. Your hard work will pay off when your bird is talking up a storm the next time you have company over. If trained correctly, your bird will be the life of the party.

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lmao thats hillarious,


I had a budgie named shaner who was retarded, I swear, he flew out of his cage straight into a wall, REPEATEDLY getting stuck behind my furniture & squawking like a psycho everyday.


He had this thing with hiding behind things that only covered the botton half of his body, hoinestly, especially the back ledge of my couch, and he would peek his head up at me as if he were a soldier at war in the trenches. He was too much.


Once he got stuck behind my stove, and I had to tear my kitchen apart to find him. IDIOT!!!


He eventually committed birdicide by stressing himself out to the point of having a heart attack. poor thing. he p*ssed me off, but god I miss that stupid bird. The expression bird brain is no coincidence.

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