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What's Your Cause/charity?

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Over the past eight years, I've cut my hair five times and donated it to Locks of Love. It's great for me because my hair grows pretty fast and I never do anything special with it anyways, like highlight or perm it. I also get a free haircut since my stylist loves the fact that I'm doing something charitable. She even refuses to take my tip and always gives it back to me. At first I donated because I wanted to do something since I didn't weigh enough to donate blood. This didn't take a whole lot of effort and I didn't have to call or knock on doors to raise money, but after watching three aunts pass away from cancer, it took on much more meaning. It's still easy and effortless to grow out my hair, but I try to raise awareness of Locks of Love every time I cut it or get compliments on my long hair.

My father-in-law is doing a 50 mile walk this year to raise money and awareness of Multiple Sclerosis. His friend's sister, actually my stylist, has lived with MS for most of her adult life. Now that he's retired, he figures that he has the time to train and contribute more than just monetarily.

Yes, there a bit of a shameless plug in there, but I really do want to know what cause or charity everyone else is involved in.

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Well, that is indeed a great cause you are supporting there. My story is that I volunteer for Habitat for Humanity several times a year. The closest Habitat organization is a 3 hour drive from where I live, so I turn it into an adventure of sorts. I travel to the City Friday evening, do some shopping and hang out. Saturday is a Blitz day, then i usually enjoy a nice meal at an ethnic restaurant and travel back home Sunday. The Blitz is a hectic day and the entire weekend is very tiring, but rewarding.

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I like Locks of Love, though I haven't ever donated my hair. (It hasn't been long enough for that in YEARS.) I do, though, encourage people who can donate to do so, as it's a great idea. My grandma had breast cancer when I was very young (six or seven). I remember her having all sorts of wigs in the house - and how it really helped her be able to go out in public without feeling as uncomfortable or embarrassed.I sometimes volunteer at a local spay/neuter clinic. They're open one day a week (Tuesdays) and spay/neuter peoples' cats and dogs all day long. This is a really great deal for the community because we are the second-poorest county in the entire state. Not too many families are above poverty level. So being able to have the pets sterilized at a fraction of the local vets' charges (they start at 60 to 80 bucks just to neuter a tomcat) really helps a lot of people.

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