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Water Power An Alternative To Gas

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I personaly think that all cars should switch to water power provided they find a way to convert water into a efficient fuel source. i mean just think about it if we had cars that ran off of water we could just pull up to a lake or ocean and fill up till the next stop. but most likely on the down side the government would probably raise the price of water and put a huge tax on it. water would also be taken off the store shelves and we would have to go to a water station which would most likely bring us back to the same situation we are in now but not nearly as bad. but you know what i still think water has a future in powering our vehicles of the future. Now lets talk about that liquid that is probably know worth as much as gold to people GAS this liquid is the basis for most of are cars. i dont know if there is a good side to the gas we put in our cars, but i do know the bad sides of gas first off gas is like one of the biggest polluters in the world and we need to live on this planet so we dont want to kill it. another thing that is bad about gas is that we go to war over it and thousands of innocent americans are losing lives over it, i mean what has the world come to when we have to fight for the thing that powers most of vehicles and other things. when we in america have the money and the resources to invest in finding alternative fuel source. i know there is solar and electric but they arent that good of a power source because 1 solar power is not that efficient plus what if you wanted to take a nice long drive at night even though it charges throuhout the day and electric just sucks because you have to literally plug your car in and wait to go anywhere so that is why i think we should use water to power are cars of the futurereply back with your ideas

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Well, isn't the world having a dead-end on water already? 8 years and we reach straight to the point-of-no-return. Water is already being used a lot to make up for Electricity and with this, after a decade or so we might not even have water properly. I agree Gas creates pollution but according to me switching over to Water will make things worse.

We have some alternatives, Solar Energy as you already mentioned and Fuel Cells, I hope most of us would be knowing about the Fuel Cell technology.

It's like they fuse Hydrogen and Oxygen together and in the process of forming water, energy is generated and then pure water is the only exhaust out of it. I guess this is the best we can get, no pollution, no depletion of gas (which could be used by industries more now) and instead we are having more water, though in bits, but the ocean consists of drops too. If you guys would like more information on this you can always visit the Wikipedia article here.

I really think we should look towards Fuel Cell driven cars instead of Water driven cars.

Edited by sylenzednuke (see edit history)

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Converting water to energy simply doesn't work, really, unless you extract the hydrogen from it. It works for steam engines, but otherwise, it doesn't pack a good enough of a punch to make good fuel. Right now we could switch to hydrogen fuel cell technology. But the problem is this country is a free market, and it takes people to sell fuel cells and hydrogen powered cars to have the market shift to a hydrogen powered society. Because gasoline is all too profitable people are unwilling to switch to anything else that isn't going to give them the convienience of gasoline. E-85 is that "viable" alternative, but it sucks in terms of performance head to head with gasoline.

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Its a good idea. But i guess scientifically it is not possible or not worth it. But if it was possible it would be great becuase of how high the gas prices are. They are almost forcing you into finding an alternative with the prices they are charging.

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Right now we could switch to hydrogen fuel cell technology. But the problem is this country is a free market, and it takes people to sell fuel cells and hydrogen powered cars to have the market shift to a hydrogen powered society. Because gasoline is all too profitable people are unwilling to switch to anything else that isn't going to give them the convienience of gasoline. E-85 is that "viable" alternative, but it sucks in terms of performance head to head with gasoline.

Yeah, this is a known problem, and some people say due to this Fuel Cell cars won't be a possibility in our lifetime. But Ford and General Motors have been trying their lucks over some prototypes and GM thinks they'll be able to mass-produce Fuel Cell cars till 2010.
I don't think 2010 will be possible, but we can all just hope that Fuel Cell cars will be the near future.

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Too bad fuel prices as so sky high and this whole water energy idea won't be able to work until past our generation. It's good that people are exploring alternative methods, though, because obviously there is a problem and our fuel sources aren't going to last forever. I'm hoping that someone is working in secret of a new fuel source and tomorrow they'll announce it and gas prices will plummet :lol:;; We can dream, right? lol

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Water will not work- It does not have the combustability of gas. And besides, like others have said in responce to this topic, we are running low on fresh drinkable water. Gas creates polution, but switching to water will just make things worse, i mean we don't have enough water for those living in poverty, much less to make cars work. I guess you have not heard of E8 ethanol? It's basicly fuel made from corn. That is what we need to look at. Corn is a referbishable resource, and a plentiful one at that.Our fuel sources: Coal, natural gas, and oil, are the remains of things that lived long long ago. Someday, our bodies will be submitted to the same process, that is if the sun doesn't nova before that point :P Anyways, back on topic, the hact of the matter is the only way water can be turned into a fuel is if you separate the hydrogen from the oxygen, but you have to do that through a process called fission, a highly dangerous proccess that i believe but am no sure can cause some sort of nuclear reaction.Besides, many families today can not afford water as it is, can you immagine what would happen if water was made into a fuel?

Edited by Mermaid711 (see edit history)

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