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Two Boys Snogging And Touching In A Cubicle

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In our year there is this Gay boy...as in Gay. And he told every one that him and this other boy were in a toilet cubicle snogging and touching all over..he told us that they were on the verge of having sex. And he also said that the other boy told him to suck his *BLEEP*...We do not know whether this is true so we went and asked the other boy and he just told us he only kissed him and his draw dropped....he was also crying like mad when every one found out and when we went to ask him what happened his eyes started to water...So his mate...one of my friends lmo..had a go at the gay boy...even though she didn't know much about it saying how out of order he was making things like that up about another person...so the gay boy has got pissed off with her and is not answering any of her question in whether it is true or not...So we now do not know what to do and if we should just leave them....because we are a nosey lot I don't think that will happen...The gay boy started the rumour spreading it all over..so I don't think it's real...but I don't know because the boy he snogged is a bit....um on the feminime side.

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ewww! i hate gay ppl, they are nasty and dutty if i had a glock dats it the gay population wuld drop by 90 percent in one day,why are ppl gay? leasbains are cool but gays? no no no,girls were made so there wuld be no gays but there are sum ppl who just appreciate them cute gurls :D

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There is nothing wrong with gay people...Just I don't think they should share their stories.....I mean....that is revolting...and he wnated everyone to know.and stuff. I think it's because he wanted the slack taken off of him and onto another boy because other people take the mick because he is gay and he just wanted someone else to be like him and for every one to know

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ewww! i hate gay ppl, they are nasty and dutty if i had a glock dats it the gay population wuld drop by 90 percent in one day,why are ppl gay? leasbains are cool but gays? no no no,girls were made so there wuld be no gays but there are sum ppl who just appreciate them cute gurlsĀ  :D


I agree with becca, altho i do has a deep down feeling of anger against gay people cause i believe its wrong and goes against god. But, alas, i cannot do anything about that and have no place to say what is right or wrong, and as long as they keep it in private and it doesnt affect me then im fine with it. But believe you me, if any guy ever tries coming on to me.... he better run.

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oh dear!I mean I think there's nothing wrong with gay...But there's something rather disgusting about spreading rumours.I think he should respect other people's privacy.if you are not close enough to him, maybe just sty away because this kind of people can spread everyone's news...and you don't wanna be one of them.

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