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Inspiration! Where Do You Get Yours? Post links etc. Im posting mine

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Every once and a while we get stuck. Sometimes we don't even know where to start. As designers we are free to be as creative as we can be but creativity sometimes runs low. The real problem is to question creativity itself. What is it? In my personal opinion you need to feed your creativity with new ideas to help it grow. Not only is it feeding your creativity, it's also fun to do! Here's my sources of inspiration:

Nature: I know, people say this all the time but its true! Take a walk in the park or in the woods depending on where you live, take it in, look at stuff, textures, shapes, contrast, colours, it's all there!

Architecture: This is easier if you live in the city. Go look at buildings. Old ones, new ones, the lines, the patterns, the layouts etc.

Now on to links:

CSS Garden - http://www.csszengarden.com/ Choose a design on the right. Basically this website is done in CSS and designers are challenged to redesign it completely using only CSS, each of these designs are available to be viewed, go through a couple and see what you like!

https://color.adobe.com/ - This is an awesome wesbite/community for sharing colour swatches. There are tons of different sets, and their tagged so you can search for a theme and perhaps find colours that match it. This is really awesome if you dont know what colours to use

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - This is also great for colour. Choose a few colours and the rest will be calculated to match. This is a tool for designing rooms but it's awesome for website colour schemes too. (click "START COLORSMART")

http://www.deviantart.com/ - Awesome art community. Consider browsing through some of the sections that might be more relevant to what you're designing at the moment.

https://www.smashingmagazine.com/ Awesome. See for yourself. This website is the epitemy of useful.

Those are the ones I use most often, what are yours?

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I have to agree with nature as a brilliant resource for inspiration. I live out in the countryside and there is plenty of inspiration around. Two of my favourite places are some local reservoirs and a little lane that is literally in the middle of nowhere :) My desk also works well for inspiration! Its always untidy and just covered in random books, CDs, DVDs, leaflets and brochures. Sometimes a combination of shapes or colours just catches my eye and I end up using it to design something. Obviously the disadvantage to this is a very untidy desk :)I don't really use too many websites for inspiration. CSS Garden is a great link, and I have used it once or twice, but I mainly use the Internet to get fixes or CSS glitches and bugs in IE!

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