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I Do Not Like Stalkers Bunch of desperate leeches

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And that is my point you will never know what it is like to be on the receiving end of getting shot and not suffer what those who have been shot for no reason whatsoever except that they were just there. Again your thinking in ideal situations that someone is going to point a gun in front of you instead of in your back or at a distance. No one is that dumb to do that anymore because they already know that your either packing or might be packing so they will get you at your most weakest and that is when you are unaware that they are even pointing a gun at you and most of the time they usually have partners waiting till after the shots have been made Think what you want on my writing skills but my points are valid because they are based on reality and not make believe that you revolve your world in which a gun protects people.

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one of my girl friends used to carry this butcher knife kind of a thing and everytime she would wield it you would see guys fleeing

You have to keep in mind that my friend would not be running around with the knife but had wielded it when she was being stalked and once when she was teaching at her classes.

Wow! What an incredible story. Id really like to hear more about this amazing person whose feats of bravery defy all logic. I do hope the topic starter will share with the rest of us further details of this person's exploits. Better yet, why not encourage her to join Trap? Then we could add her to the ranks of Ellen Templar, another female instructor who occasionally graces these pages with indispensable knowledge gleaned from her vast experience in the fitness arts. Hope Im not venturing too far off topic here, but as we are discussing self defense, I think it would be fascinating to learn more about this incredible woman. For starters, which discipline of martial arts does she teach? And where can one buy one of those magic butcher knives?

I do not understand why it defies all logic. You can buy a butcher knife in many places. By the way she has done quite a few of them namely judo, kick boxing and I think she has done karate. About the weapons, I do not remember the name but I have seen her using bamboo sticks and spears a lot.

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I never really wanted to get into this debate because nothing gets done but with this post of mine I am done with the topic and this is gear to those who think stats make up what's happening in the real world.You want to know why I am on the defensive on gun control nonsense and my stance on the reality of it all. Live with the guilt that you got a person killed because of where you come from and who you are and then on top of that also deal with the guilt of one your friends getting blown up or shot to death and not be able to do anything about it and then hearing about it days later that they died and then watch those close around you suffer just as much because of that loss. Then also dealing with the guilt of picking up a black bag and realizing that used to be someone's father, son, brother, sister, mother and so on and so forth who lives 8000 miles away.Until you live it you don't know the reality of what it means to suffer when someone close to you is dead because they were following orders and trying to do their job. Of course people on trap wonder why I am on trap all the time because it is one the few places where I can go to escape from the realities of the world that plague me.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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Hey Sm,I do agree with you totally and I always still agree that the pervert deserves a kick in his groin rather than get shot at for sometimes you might make a mistake or there is also a possibility of shooting someone else rather than the assailant. I guess everybody has their way of protecting themselves.All that I can say is that It depends in the place you live in and what you think is perfect for defense, if some think that a gun is the best kind of protection then so be it but if others say it is not then it is still ok. I have thought a lot before I thought of a way of protecting myself..Found the best method is to stick with my partner and avoid lonely places. Found that much better than guns or knives.

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You have to keep in mind that my friend would not be running around with the knife but had wielded it when she was being stalked and once when she was teaching at her classes.

Ah, thank you for clarifying that. Anyone reading the original post on the subject may have been a bit confused:

everytime she would wield it you would see guys fleeing holding their assets because most of the lechers used to touch their "jewes" and make remarks and It is disgusting.

After reading this, I was under the impression she had wielded the knife an unknown number of times on complete strangers, whereas it appears that may have actually only happened once. And then, I can only assume the "stalker" was a stranger, and not the same student who bugged her in the class she was teaching? Oh well, so much for my hopes that a superwoman actually existed.

I do not understand why it defies all logic.

Please refer to my original post on guns and self defense. There, you will find a link that provides evidence to support this statement.

You can buy a butcher knife in many places.

Yes - but I don't want no ordinary butcher knife, but a "magic" one that will send guys fleeing while groping their "assets" and "jewels!" :)

By the way she has done quite a few of them namely judo, kick boxing and I think she has done karate. About the weapons, I do not remember the name but I have seen her using bamboo sticks and spears a lot.

I'd be interested to hear which of these arts she held a black belt in. I can only assume that as a Sensei she held a black belt in one of these arts. I tend to lend much more credence to black belts acquired in the far east than here in the states, where they're practically dispensed like candy. I have a friend who earned a black belt in Karate while in the Phillippines. No one messes with him, but he's smart enough to carry concealed for those times a gun would prove indispensable. The art your friend could have practiced was either "Arnis" or "Kali," both of which originated in the Phillippines, and both of which utilize stick fighting and so-called "empty hand" technique. You might recognize use of Kali in the movie, "Bourne Identity." Through my association with this martial artist, I was fortunate enough to have met, studied under, and hung out with Grand Master, Remy Presas, who founded the art of Arnis, and was inducted into the Black Belt Hall of Fame. Sadly, he died about six years ago. But while he lived, he ALWAYS carried concealed (and drank heavily :) ).

Found the best method is to stick with my partner and avoid lonely places

Unfortunately you may not always be able to avoid lonely places or solicit the the company of an associate. I ask all women out there: what will you do when trouble comes to you and no one's there to defend you? If someone breaks and enters into your home, what then? Before women so readily dismiss guns as the superior self defense tool that they are, they really need to ask themselves the tough questions they so readily ignore.

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