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Who Was Ghengis Khan

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I just finished watching a programing on the history channel about the Mongol Leader Ghengis Khan and I found out some interesting info about this man. First off his birth name was Tem?jin and his actual name is Chinggis Khan and the reason why it whas Ghengis Khan is that the French research misspelled his name when they were looking at documents referring to him. Some other interesting info is that Ghengis Khan Empire took 70 years to build and also is the largest ever. They mention that at the Height of the Roman Empire it was 1/4 the size of his and Alexander Empire was 1/2 the size of Ghengis Khan at the Hieght of his power. His Empire stretch from the from Mongolia to inner parts of Europe, which included all of China, Persian Empre, lower half of Russia to name a few areas. Also they mention that he and his son had man comcubines through the empire and researchers estimate that Ghengis Khan ancestors cover about 1% of the countries that he conquered and world wide 8% are related to Khan. Or 1 in every 200 people are related to him, with a estimation of 32 Million people are actually related to this Great Mongol Leader.All I have to say is the Ghengis Khan is the mack daddy of the world if he has that many relatives, I only oculd imagine what that family reunion would look like ;).

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Lol yeah I've seen that show as well. Genghis is in many children movies (odd eh?) as the bad guy or there is usually some character that resembles him. Contrary to popular belief he did not conquer the whole of the Mongolian Empire. It is rumored that he kidnapped a princess and while trying to enjoy the 'fruits of war' she cut off his family jewels which lead to his death. Funny end for the player of the 13th century eh? haha.

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I've seen a movie about Ghengis Khan. never understand a word since its in Mongolian Language but it was still good. He's a real good leader and was the first to use cavalry in action. The Mongol Cavalry is swift and furious. LOL.. I think he's the one who started the Silkroad Trade Route between Asia and the West. We get to see more on western leaders on TV shows and books and little of those from other Empires. Well, what can we expect. !:D!Historians sometimes exaggerate things to make it sound so good. But Genghis, is real good.

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