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Female Foeticide Why do people prefer boys to girls?

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Hi,Female foeticide is one scary truth.. Recent polls have shown that the number of females are slowly decreasing due to illegal sex determination and selection. Baby girls are aborted,murdered,abandoned,sold and many of them who are sold are employed as servants or pushed into the sex trade.What do you think of this sick and gruesome practice?

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I do suppose that these "practices" or "customs" stem from the views that females are the "weaker" sex. After all, we guys can do pretty much a lot of things any time of the month. We also do not carry heavy after-sex luggages for nine months. We don't usually experience hot flushes or mood swings in our late forties and, given the chance, we can still actually pro-create far into our sixties and seventies (assuming we can get "it" up)With these in mind, it is no wonder that a lot of males bully the females into submitting to them. They are made to serve, in every sense of the word. Also, some cultures frown on having a first-born daughter. Maybe they don't believe a woman can handle the responsibilities of a first born, hence, female infanticide.Well, those are just my musings, which does not necessarily mean those are my viewpoints ;)

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I had thought of the same thing that you had written but I dont know why people think that way. I mean I can understand the older generation thinking that boys are the future


But studies have shown that many young Modern couples are doing it not out of pressure but because of their own wishes. When right now we speak of growth and development, There is nothing but retardation and stagnation of logical thinking.


Think about it if there were No more girls left and only a rare group surviving.....1 girl married off to 5 guys or something...


Man is already on a mission to exhaust all species and resources....I guess he will not stop until he makes the female species Extinct too.


Cheers ;)

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Well, in most cultures that practice female infanticide, it is usual for a girl, when she grows up, to go and live with her husband's family while a man, on the other hand (and his wife) stay with his parents.So most parents in these cultures view a girl child as a 'bad investment' - yes I know, that's so cold blooded, but that's how they think. To them, if they look after a son, bring him up, etc. he will look after them in their old age - a girl on the other hand, will leave them after all that and look after her husband's family.Worse, in many such cultures it is a MUST for the girl's family to give a large dowry to the boy's family at the time of marriage. So if a family has two or three daughters, getting them married will probably bankrupt their aged parents completely. And society places an intense pressure on the parents to get their daughters married.So you see, the issues are very complicated. It is difficult to eradicate female infanticide in such cultures without re-educating people completely - and these things are SO ingrained in these cultures, over hundreds, if not thousands of years, that I wonder if it's possible.Whatever the reasons behind it, it's a cold blooded and terrible evil, there's no doubt about that. Great topic, Velma.

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Sadly, I'm not going to disagree with the above, only to add that the sad truth is that female infanticide has been the norm for many many generations. For a long time now in China, since they've been limited to just one child, the females have been destroyed and the parents try again and again if necessary to birth a male. This might make some a bit queasy, but there have been persistent reports out of mainland China of rampant cannibalism which is also reported from some other Asian countries. As long as males are more valuable to build armies with and to work the land with, they'll always be the preferred of the two genders. But, I think most rational people would just accept what they've created from their unions especially if there wasn't a "baby-cap" to control population growth. I learned of infantacide in college along with other fun tricks like genital mutilation and so forth. Just be glad you don't live in a country where the practice of munching on infant legs isn't acceptable... yet.

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What do you think of this sick and gruesome practice?

You mean like your current avatar? ;) It disturbs the life out of me.
But to me abortion is abortion—no matter what the gender. Usually always done and decided upon for the wrong reasons. Yes, it is a sad and horrible thing that females are actually targeted. We need the women; we truly "can't live without them" as part of the proverb goes—i'm not really fond of the other half of the proverb. ;) Anyways, i don't have much to say on the matter besides that i am against it—i'm not gonna even try to explain why such a thing exists.

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I guess Iam the only one who found my avatar funny......My boss was freaked out by it but My godfather was proud of me and laughed his bottom off..


Anyway I have nothing to post so I will not try to get free credits.


Cheers ;)

Edited by velma (see edit history)

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How Horrible! Why would someone want to do that to some innocent little girl? I mean, if you don't want the baby, at least put it up for adoption, where it atleast has a good chanceof being put in a decent home! People like these make me SICK!!!

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This is the first iv'e heard about this...you learn something new every day, but it's not always something nice :):):):(

That is ...sick! just sick! its facking ridiculous, women do jobs that are equal, if not more, important than men! this crap is ridiculous, i mean, if there are only males how are people going to reproduce? the USA and the UK need to stop messing about with iraq, who's government was actually one of the better ones in the mideast, and start sorting crap like this out!

This all goes back to the stupid stupid stupid stupid reign of Constantine the "great" anyone who's seen the da vinci code should know about this, and a lot of people think it's fiction, but it is actually fact with much historical evidence to support it. The council of nicaea decided, among other things, that males should have superiority over females in the bible - ( im sorry if this offends anybody, i have nothing against those who follow the religion and who no doubt create great good with it in the modern world, this is merely what has happened in the past ) - anyway, this history of this event is quite long so ill go through what i know in detail.


When constantine rose to power in rome, there was constant violence between Pagans and Christians. Constantine himself was a pagan, and was only baptised on his deathbeh - all historians agree on this fact. However, he was also a clever man, and you do not become the only roman emperor with the title "the great", as well as founder of the roman empire's second-greatest city, without being a very very clever man.

He knew that the christians were growing in number, yet he also knew he had to please the pagans as well if he wanted to make christianity the official religion of the roman empire.

Therefore he merged the two religions, and the finer details of the gospel were discussed at the council of nicaea, as i already explained.

And so, in time, slowly, but surely, females we're downgraded, culminating in the Maleus Malificarum, a guide to hunting witches, published in the early Medieval era.


Things have slowly been getting better, but this blatant disregard for the value of women, stems quite heavily from this early, blood-stained, construction of religions.

(once again i do not want to offend anyone, without the modern religions, the world would be a much worse place. I merely criticise the old ones)

anyway, that's all i have to say, i expect a load of angry replies soon :(

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Well I live in India and I know how much this thing is prominent here! When I first was told about this by my Mother and saw it in a couple of movies I was like stunned, I couldn't believe this actually happened. And such cases aren't any rare in this country even now...In Hinduism, the religion majority of Indians follow and the Indian culture itself (apart from any religion), dowry is one of the most important things which is the sad truth. Though now it's only prominent in the rural areas and hardly some urban areas, still as 72% of this countries population lives in villages, the numbers aren't less. Men have been preferred always and women are treated badly and sometimes there are cases of a Man coming posing as an NRI (Non-Indian Resident), luring parents to take their daughters to America (or other developed nations) and then ending up marrying off 5 or 6 girls and then leaving them all here and taking away the dowry. The dowry thing makes the parents most concerned about a daughter and the male child is the one who is supposed to ignite the corpse of the father (In Hinduism, bodies aren't buried, they are burnt.). And even if foeticide doesn't happen, the female child has to bear the brutalness of her own father for years until she gets married off sometimes...It's difficult to put a stop to this and especially in India I guess, with such low literacy level in the rural areas. And some people are actually denying to have a rational thought thinking that it's "western" and it's infecting the "indian culture", I totally hate such people, for example my far-away relatives, I really can't bear them sometimes insulting my cousin sister. Glad they aren't her parents and just relatives... It sometimes makes me laugh, not the killings but the stupidity, I mean what if there are only boys and no girls left? We are already killing this planet as someone already mentioned here and this will lead to our own extinction by our own hands!And there are various other factors related to it ranging from culture to culture and it's too complicated though I don't think it will take long enough for this to be eradicated completely, or at least I hope so.It has been made illegal in India now to even check and see what gender is the child before birth and the Doctor can be sued for this!

Edited by sylenzednuke (see edit history)

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I totally agree with you sylenzednuke. But you have to keep in mind that people are still having child marriages, dowry and Sex determination. They do all this bribing knowing officials and carry on the act. No cop will report it as long as he has enough cash in his pockets. There are many clinics where couples go and have the sex determined and have it aborted if it a girl. I agree that the world is moving ahead in so many ways but it still remains retarded for if we really had progressed then rapes and murder would on exist. In fact the numbers are increasing at a steady state.

And some people are actually denying to have a rational thought thinking that it's "western" and it's infecting the "indian culture",

I know what you mean by this...There are couples who wear jeans, mini skirts make up and feel degraded when they have to speak in a language other than English but then they get the baby girl aborted and when challenged will give the above line and also say " We may be modern but still follow traditions" When they hardly follow any kind of tradition.
It is sad to see people opting for boys more than girls for in the end there will be a major drop in the boy:girl ratio. Maybe atleast the girls in orphanages will have some hope. But then there would be another problem as there would be a chance of those young girls being adopted so that a groom might get his bride. Disgusting even to think about it.

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why to cut the root of the society--that is Girls...Female Foeticide

here by I want to share my views on the issue of female foeticide...

female foeticide is like cutting the roots of the society.It is no more the scenario that people don't know the damaging otcome of this bt d problem is that when it comes to them on taking d right decision they get carried away by some of d old thoughts and ideology of "KI LADKA HI VANSH AAGEY BADAYEGA LADKI NAHI"

Now its d onus on us(Youths) to make them understand that from where willl they get daughter-in-law for their son if all think and do the same way! balance btween Male and Female ratio should be restored in order to save our country!

-reply by deepak


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That is sick and inhumane. I love my daughter, I never cared what gender she would turn out to be, but because she is a girl, I love her the same as if she was a he. I mean, I would of course maybe have my views a little different, but I love having a girl, I hope to maybe have a boy in the future, just so I can experience both having a son and a daughter, but if I were to try again for a second with my wife, I wouldn't be disappointed if I didn't get a son, I would be still happy as its another chance to make my presence here in this world, live longer.

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Its probably mainly because when you have twins, females are more likely ( or so i read ) , and when people cant handle this, they need to get rid of one or all of them.thats a harsh thing to do, drop em into lakes, bury them in your backyard. i think its a bad thing that shouldnt go on, but you cant control people who are desperateHappy to be a guy, Jayzeed

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