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What Is Trans Fats Are trans fats different from patially H oils?

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I was just listening to the radio last night on our local NPR. They were talking about trans-fats. Their overall messsage was that trans-fats are bad for you but partially hydroginated oils are not. However, I thought that partially hyrogenated oils ARE trans fats. The folks on the radio last night were talking a lot around the issue. This is how I see it: Patially H oils have added hydrogen to make the oil solid at room temperature, however, our bodies cannot process this kind of fat,a nd it leades to cancer. Other counties do not used hydrogenated oils. Why do we. America has made it's citizens into guinea pigs, and it makes me think that our leaders do not care about us. The folks on the radio show were talking about how it is soooo hard for industry to find a products that will work instead of H oils, but other countries do it, so why not us?

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I'm pretty sure that trans fat and hydrogenated oils are both unhealthy.


According to an article in Wikipedia.org, trans fats that comre from hydrogenated oils are more unhealthy than ones that occur naturally. Not only that, some trans fats come from plant oils. More information is listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans_fat

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If you want substantial 'proof' that partially-hydrogenated oils are REALLY REALLY bad for you, then take a look at some of the people that eat them... be observant, and take a look at the health of people that eat the higest amount of junk food. Chips, cookies, cakes, pastries of all sorts, frozen foods, and boxed foods all contain high amounts of partially hydrogenated oils. People that eat these foods on a regular basis ( as opposed to high amounts of uncooked fruits and vegetables) are in poorer health than those who don't, so in fact youcan learn from this 'experiment'. If you have ever seen a big bucket of hydrogenated oil, like that episode of Oprah when she had dr. oz on, you would never want to eat another food that conatined it. i avoid foods with hydrogenated oils all the time now. i check the label. The problem is that hydrogenated oils are a man-made chemical compound that the human body was never designed to eat. It puts a huge burden on our digestive systems, because our bodies just don't know what to do with it. They ravage our health, and you are right when you say the government is doing nothing to help us, because we are in fact an experiment for these kinds of things. Don't trust the FDA, they are corrupted with a capital C. Avoid putting your money into things that support the use of trans-fats, and especially hydrogenated oils. Dont' buy the food and companies won't manafacture it--it's that simple..

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