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Paint That Can Block Wifi Hijacking

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This pretty much says it all

My wireless network is very protected, thanks to my husband who takes plenty of preventive measures that keep intruders out of our network. The Gadget Hound also taught us a thing or two about the subject in this post, in which a reader's concern prompted him to ask more about Wi-Fi scamming. If you haven't changed the default name and password on your network, you're contributing to your network's susceptibility to malicious attacks, so don't be surprised when intruderseither neighbors or strangers parked outside your homebog down your network with spam, or illegal downloads. Like Tom said, the best way to keep those intruders out is by enabling WEP or WPA encryption on your network by changing the password on your router. Chris has a step-by-step guide on how to do this too.
SEC Technologies has another option: wireless blocking paint. One coat of this paint "creates an electromagnetic fortress by preventing airborne hackers from intercepting signals." Sounds a little too much like something the government would be interested in, and less like a technology that would benefit the average Wi-Fi user who has already ditched the landline over a cell phone. The Register thinks the RF-proof paint would be put to good use in movie theaters, or similar places where cell phones interruption is frowned upon. EM-SEC currently sells laptop inserts and phone holsters with an electromagnetic shield that restricts the detection of Wi-Fi signals, which is another option that might deter laptop thieves. What a great idea.


I wonder what colors it comes it :lol: Becase I would be pretty skeptical about this paint, because paint can be warn down from weathering and all that could stuff. The potential is and it sounds good, but how could paint generate a EM field to block hackers from hacking wifi signals. If someone could explain that little fact to me then I could change my view on it.

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the maiin key though is changing the default password to the network, which not everyone does lol -my neighbors-i would imagine that this paint should and would only be used on the outer walls of the house because if they were used on the inside of the house, the wifi signal would not go to all of the rooms of the house since the walls are painted with the stuff that blocks the signal.I think that people just need to be smarter and have double the security that is required for the wifi network because they are stupid if they don'twhen i say double the security, i mean having the password that you need to know, then having a password to get into the router, then programing the router to allow only computers that you can approve or deny through the router. i am sure this is possible lol but i just don't know how XD so i just have the double passwords.

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I would paint my outer walls to stop hijacking, but, i live in a sub-urban part of Ireland, and the nearest house/road isn't quite near enough to steal my signal. In the UK, there was a person giving a few years in jail for that sort of nonsense.

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Sounds interesting but let's be foolish about it. No signal out means bo cellphone inside the house either... And what about the windows? Wouldn't the signal escape through the windows? "Honey, buy some lead shutters to match the paint!" Boy would I hate to live in there. For that you might as well line the exterior walls with mirrors and boost your signal inside the house. Now that's functionality!

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The National Security Agency of the United States actually took this kind of thing from art to science and their little city that doesn't appear on maps in suburban Washington D.C.(actually north in Maryland) doesn't emit any RF due to careful construction and diligence. What, you might ask, do they use to cover their windows to block RF? They use gold. That's right, gold. Gold foil, just one micron thick allows sunlight in but blocks RF. It's actually not all that expensive and lots of other places use it as well, like large corporate headquarters that like their proprietary secrets to stay secret.... I believe the paint you read about, Mike, uses the same concept. It's metallic. The problem with paint is it's not as effective as building RF security into the design of the building as paint will always have holes, but if your building incorporates a copper mesh cage all around with gold covered windows etc., then you won't need ugly paint and your RF shielding would stand the test of time much longer. Still, I'd like my car to be painted with this nifty paint, maybe it'd absorb the RF from those police RADAR guns instead of reflecting it back...

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