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Ridwan sameer

Web Site Top Picture (request) I need a picturefor the top of my web site

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Hey Guys,I am just starting out my new Site. I am well learned in CSS,PHP, MySql and HTML ( still working on XHTML )But i am NOt that good in making Banners and pictures So I was wondering if some helpful people out there could help me. Heres Some Info:-Text to appear:- The Skeleton Keepers ClanColor/Effect:- Red color(Blood) Chould appear as blood is DrippingFont:- I would prefer having a font like NeverWinter logo If not others will doBackground:- Preferably BlackOthers:- Here is a Effect I would really appreciate:- I wanted the text "The Skeleton Keepers Clan" on the word "clan" the "C" could you add a skeleton Hanging on a rope or something on the letter "C"Thank's guys i would really appreciate this

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Alright im working on it. Ill try to get it done today or tomorrow. My friend just asked me to burn 50 DVDs of his football game :lol:. This should be fun request. Before i can work on it though, i need a size. I mean banners and header images come in many sizes.

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Check out the site. might be enough information there to tell you the size.

site here

I would guess something around 850 wide by 220 high would work.

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How interesting that you found the set that I just ran up Friday night. Set at my site. I appreciate that I offer my work for free, but I am disappointed that you are taking credit for the design instead of giving me credit as was asked.

The only thing I ask is that you link back to my site at the URL below using my logo as provided in the HTMLs.

Especially since I am a fellow Trap 17 forum member hosted by Trap 17.


You didn't like the skeleton tribal design I provided?


You could have downloaded the set in a zip file instead of saving the page file as indicated by your source.

<!-- saved from url=(0043)http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ -->

I also see that you have run it through some editor that has changed a lot of things and screwed up the display. This is an unfortunate aspect of a lot of editors. Edited by Mich (see edit history)

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Ok donna i am really sorry about that and i will put a link do u want a link with a picture? if you do give me a code for it and i will paste it. and i didn't edit it with a Program i used ConText. Sorry if i offended you. And about that Skeleton PIcture already saved, well i like it a lot but i wanted the name of my website to be thereVery soryplease tell me whatever you want to be added there and i shall do it. :lol: Really sorry i feel bad about ma self :lol:

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That is the demo page for your picture on a black background.

I will take that down in a week, so if you want it save it :lol:

Now i am still looking for a font like you asked for, but i went through my 450+ fonts and couldnt find one. I am looking online now for one with a license of free so you can use it.

If you want an .eps, .svg, .pdf, or .ai so you can edit it further email me in the email i PMed you. Or if you want it in any other format (jpg, png [thats what it is now], gif, or whatever), feel free to email me.

Do you want any changes?

Also, i would like a "Header design by Oscar Godson" and have an email link that would be nice :lol:

Changes the header to whatever after i make more stuff for you like we talked about.

Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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Ok donna i am really sorry about that and i will put a link do u want a link with a picture? if you do give me a code for it and i will paste it. and i didn't edit it with a Program i used ConText. Sorry if i offended you. And about that Skeleton PIcture already saved, well i like it a lot but i wanted the name of my website to be there

Very soryplease tell me whatever you want to be added there and i shall do it. :lol:

Really sorry i feel bad about ma self :lol:

No offense taken. Don't beat yourself to death. You have apologized enough. Just add this to the bottom of the page and I will be delighted. And if you do, I will link back to your site on my future portfolio page.

<font size=1 face=arial><i>Web Design/Template by <a href="http://websetsbydonna.com/">Web Sets by Donna</a> 2007</i></font>
I have never heard of ConText, so I don't know what screwed up the layout. What size (width) page are you designing? I would be willing to work out some of the bugs if you like, so it will layout as meant to. Or maybe just tell you how to code it.

BTW: I like what BooZker came up with.

Edited by Mich (see edit history)

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Dont worry i wont beat my self about it :lol: Well i am about to put that in.When you say you like what BooZker did your wrong You should love what he did, it is super cool. it is the bestOK thanks BooZker and Mich

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Try running this up for your index.html and see if it doesn't clean things up for you.

<html><head><title>The Skeleton Keepers Clan</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><meta content="" name="author"><meta content="" name="keywords"><meta content="" name="description"><meta content="Web Sets by Donna 2007" name="copyright"><style type="text/css">BODY {	SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #000000; 	SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR: #998476; 	SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-COLOR: #808080; 	SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #998476; 	SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #000000; 	SCROLLBAR-BASE-COLOR: #909090}.style2 {font-size: 36px}.style3 {font-size: 24px}.style4 {font-size: 18px; }</style></head><body text="#998476" bottommargin="30" vlink="#998476" alink="#998476" link="#d9744f" bgcolor="#000000" leftmargin="4" topmargin="4" rightmargin="4"><center><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%" border=0><tr><td align="center"><img src="/theskelclan.png" width="800" height="207" border="0" align="absmiddle"></td></tr></table><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" border="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" align="center" width="10%">	<table cellspacing="5" bordercolordark="#6d6d6d" cellpadding="10" width="100%" 	bgcolor="#000000" bordercolorlight="#998476" border="1">	<tbody>	<tr><td>	<p><img height="113" src="goth_menuicon.jpg" width="112" align="absmiddle" border="0"></p>	<img height="32" src="goth_navigation.gif" width="110" align="absmiddle" border="0"> 	<p><a href="http://.com/" target="_top" name="Link">.::The Skeleton Keepers::.</a></p>	<p><a href="http://.com/" target="_top" name="Link">Requirements</a></p>	<p><a href="http://.com/" target="_top" name="Link">Forums</a></p>	<p><a href="java script:history.go(-1)">~:Back:~</a></p>	<p> </p></td>	</tr></tbody></table></td><td align="center" width="80%">	<p><img height="46" src="goth_bar.gif" width="500" border="0"></p>	<div align="center"><span class="style3">The Ultimate Runescape Experience </span></div>	<br><br>	<p>Welcome to the Ultimate Runescape Clan </p>	<p class="style4" align="center">We are offering Membership to any one 	Withing Breaches of our "Requirements" </p>	<p class="style4" align="center">If you do match up to our "Requirements" , 	Go to Our Forums and You can join From There </p>	<p><img height="58" src="goth_bar2.gif" width="500" border="0"></p>	<br>	<table cellspacing="10" bordercolordark="#6d6d6d" cellpadding="1" width="80%" 	align="center" bordercolorlight="#998476" border="1">	<tbody>	<tr><td align="center">	<br>	<p><img height="40" alt="Bullet" src="goth_bullet.jpg" width="39" border="0"></p>	<p><font face="arial" size="2">Thank You </font><font face="Arial" 	size="2">for Visiting our Site,</font></p>	<p><font face="Arial" size="2">If any problems on our site or Forums 	please contact Admin@Runematerials.trap17.com </font></p>	<br></td>	</tr></tbody></table>	<br>To go back, use the link in the menu at left. 	<p><font face="Arial,Verdana" size="1"><i>Site Design: Copyright ?ƒ?‚?‚© 2007 The 	Skeleton Keepers Clan</i></font></p>	<p><font face="arial" size="1"><i>Web Design/Template by <a 	href="http://websetsbydonna.com/">Web Sets by Donna</a> 2007</i></font></p></td><td valign="top" align="center" width="10%">	<table cellspacing="5" bordercolordark="#6d6d6d" cellpadding="10" 	width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" bordercolorlight="#998476" border="1">	<tbody>	<tr><td><img height="308" src="../3D013_004.JPG" width="166" border="0" align="top"></td></tr>	<tr><td bgcolor="#000000">The Ancient Skeleton Keepers Are watching You........</td>	</tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></center></body></html>
Edited by Mich (see edit history)

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