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Wwiii - Part Ii I thought since this seems imminent, may as well start talking about i

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From the Associated Press:


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Iranian naval vessels on Friday seized 15 British sailors and marines who had boarded a merchant ship in Iraqi waters of the Persian Gulf, British and U.S. officials said. Britain immediately protested the detentions, which come at a time of high tension between the West and Iran.

It's going to take an event like this one to spark off the giant keg called WWIII-Part II. Of course Part I was the invasion then occupation of Iraq and the incredible destruction the West powers and their allies have caused with all the Depleted Uranium that has a 4.46 billion year half life. But this is minor compared with what we can expect to see in Part II. Nuclear reactors and Uranium enriching facilities in Iran will, no doubt, be major targets and when they're hit, massive radiation will likely be injected in to the air stream just as though a full nuke had been detonated above ground. But let's not stop there, Once a shooting war with possible real nukes starts in the middle east, you can bank on someone lobbing a nuke toward Israel with a response in kind, likely Syria will be brought along in the mix and China and Russia may get involved too. Or China will see the opportunity to take Taiwan Island with the giant distraction in the Middle East and all of America's War Machine resources dedicated there. Being in a real war will allow the Nazis' Fourth Reich running Amerika to finally engage their Utopian dream of Martial Law and all those prisons they've been building for years will finally be put to use. With Amerika's National Guard busy fighting Iranians and pretty much everyone on the planet, and many of the states having restricted and demonized gun ownership, the country will be ripe for the taking; an invasion from China could occur from Mexico and/or Alaska/British Columbia. Most people agree, though, the invasion would be stopped dead in its tracks when it came up to the Rocky Mountain foothills.


We can discuss it while it happens, or post other things you think will happen in the very near future, perhaps relating to your country if you're not in North Amerika...

...or if you are in North Amerika. Either way...

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Wouldn't be surprised to see a major war happening soon... not a world war yet, certainly. The best thing for the US is to get out of the Middle East. The entire middle east has been at war with western civilization for nearly a thousand years, and it's just all grudgy and, well, whatever, it's a volatile situation that we need to avoid.

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