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Sprint Happy but Not.

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Everytime I go to review my cell phone bill I find the most stupid charges on it.When I first got the phone the whole time the lady was trying to explain everything as fast as she could about my plan and what features were turned on and all that jazz. I had to literally act like I was stupid about technology a little bit just to get her to reiterate about some of the things she went especially fast on which really pissed me off more. When I got my first bill I never bothered to look at it too hard because I figured it was the first month's bill ya know, so I was waiting for the second bill to come so I could compare what was on them and figure out where to go from there. I had so many things on them that I didn't even understand or need in the first place. So I had them turn off most of the crap that they had on my account.I was wondering, has anyone else had this happen to them, and if so what do you think I could do about getting it fixed cause all I wanted was to be able to make my phone calls, recieve them, and be able to text.

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I've had sprint for about 3 years now, I'm actually on my 2nd contract with them. So far their service has worked out well for me. Yes, I will agree there is the occasional charge that you question, but you can usually find out what it is for, and then in the future know not to use that feature on your phone. If we just used our phones for the basic uses all these extra charges wouldn't really be a big deal. I have a similar situation as you, I can receive calls, make calls, and have 500 texts or a month, with nothing extra. I'm sure if you contacted them and stated that all you wanted was those features they would change your plan, that shouldn't be a big deal, but I dont know the details of your situation. Worth a shot though..

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ooh, that sux huge! I had sprint for about 6 months! it sucked so bad, i was on a family plan so we kept adding lines to it. It was suppose to be free until 10 lines so we had about 4 or 5 lines all in the same plan. And when we got the bill the next month, we got smacked in the face by this HUGE bill. I called up sprint yelling at them as to why they did this and all they did was redirect me to different people. It was like a huge circle, i even got redirected to the same person i started off in the beginning. Man, people should read the fine print when it comes to signing anything!

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Sprint has ticked off quite a few customers with incorrect bills, nasty phone reps, et cetera. I had a Sprint cell phone for a year, but didn't renew the contract because I was sick of having to argue with them all the time. I have to say that Cingular has proven to be a better company. Not only because my unused minutes roll over (fat chance of Sprint adopting that idea), but also because the phone reps have been polite and helpful EVERY time I've ever called.Oh, and I actually get reception here at home with Cingular. That's always a plus. :XD:

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I don't like Sprint. I had a relitivly short contract with them, and they overcharged me on multiple ocasions, charged me for stupid things, and even charged me for things I DIDN'T do. On top of that, from what I have seen, their customer service is terible, especially the phone reps. So I switched to Virgin Mobile, and I find them t have a lot better service with no stupid charges.

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i've thought about getting sprint but it seems too expensive for the services. although you probably get service every where in the world practically i prefer t-mobile. i had at&t and threw about 5 phones accross the room breaking them becasue i was so angry with the cutting out. that resulted in a change to t-mobile. so far so good. i live on the beach so there's not much in the way to disrupt my service. i pretty much hate phones all together. if i could i would get rid of all my accessory electronics and live in a shack in indonesia!

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Well even though this topic probably reffers to the user mostly from the united states of america I think that it is good to know such things and more customer services should be there to prevent such thefts because in the end it is theft and most of those options that you don't use brings the mobile service providers mmost of the profit so they keep selling such things and so on just to make profit and most of the casual customers not some computer and technology geeks don't see this in the first place.So customers join up against such things when companies sell you things that you don't know, don't need and don't use. Joined against such terror. I remmeber one guy saying here that his grandma was paying on hers telephone bill something that was not in use since 70's but when he called the telephone company they said that she has such contract which is automatically prolonged as long as she comes in in person and breaks contract with telephone company. For those who would like to read more correct about this search trough the Xisto forums and you will probably find something like that about better info on such things.

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