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Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials Discussion about the three books the upcoming movies

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Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials is a story of three books which follows the 11-year-old Lyra Belacqua through a terrifying, facinating, beautiful & sometimes funny adventure.


The trilogy contain three books:


The Golden Compass

In The Golden Compass, readers meet for the first time 11-year-old Lyra Belacqua, a precocious orphan growing up within the precincts of Jordan College in Oxford, England. It quickly becomes clear that Lyra's Oxford is not precisely like our own - nor is her world. In Lyra's world, everyone has a personal d?mon, a lifelong animal familiar. This is a world in which science, theology and magic are closely intertwined.

The Subtle Knife

In The Subtle Knife, readers are introduced to Will Parry, a young boy living in modern-day Oxford, England. Will is only twelve years old, but he bears the responsibilities of an adult. Following the disappearance of his explorer-father, John Parry, during an expedition in the North, Will became parent, provider and protector to his frail, confused mother. And it's in protecting her that he becomes a murderer, too: he accidentally kills a man who breaks into their home to steal valuable letters written by John Parry. After placing his mother in the care of a kind friend, Will takes those letters and sets off to discover the truth about his father.

The Amber Spyglass

The Amber Spyglass brings the intrigue of The Golden Compass and The Subtle Knife to a heartstopping close, marking the third and final volume as the most powerful of the trilogy. Along with the return of Lyra, Will, Mrs. Coulter, Lord Asriel, Dr. Mary Malone, and Iorek Byrnison the armored bear, The Amber Spyglass introduces a host of new characters: the Mulefa, mysterious wheeled creatures with the power to see Dust; Gallivespian Lord Roke, a hand-high spy-master to Lord Asriel; and Metatron, a fierce and mighty angel. And this final volume brings startling revelations, too: the painful price Lyra must pay to walk through the land of the dead, the haunting power of Dr. Malone's amber spyglass, and the names of who will live - and who will die - for love. And all the while, war rages with the Kingdom of Heaven, a brutal battle that - in its shocking outcome - will reveal the secret of Dust.

His Dark Materials has long been my favourite books, and I love the seriousity in the books, and the "what is really out there"-feeling.

This is a Topic, not a News so I would like to know what you thought about the books, what you thought about the start & ending, and what the mysteries really is all about.

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one of the best book series EVER

its easily up there with LOTR, harry potter, dan brown...hey maybe even shakespeare :P



the ending is so freaking sad though :( Philip Pullman is mean....

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I thought the first two books were insanely good. A great read for anyone.I didn't ever get round to finishing the third book, I got kinda bored, plus it was the largest book of the three and not as gripping as the first two I thought.Just my opinion though - definitely worth reading.

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the third one was the best!!!! the battle! the land of the dead !(forgot what its called) and more importantly...the ENDING...if you havent read the book to the end I pity you lol...it may be sad but its still one of the best endings ever :(

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