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What Is... Money

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Have you guys every think, what is the think you carry in your pocket everyday. Well average man doesn't think what is it, they just think how they they get more of it. Money began as a tool of trade but today it transformed it self to wealth that almost everyone want to keeps more of it.


First money was made from gold and it was kind of a wealth although its original purpose is still toll of trade, but gold still have value. Then the bankers were goldsmith and government control the production of gold because it is known to them that when they control what people needs, they control people - this was the case of gold


then the gold became the note of having gold. basically if u have the note approved by the government that it can be turn into gold - you can use it to trade anywhere. It was irresistible for the government and the bankers to soon pass a law that citizen of united state cannot carry gold.



"Government is the only agency in the world that can throw ink on the piece of paper, call it money, then make it totally worthless"


now its very easy for them to control... they just point the finger at you that your money worth nothing, then its worth nothing!

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I like this idea, especially when you think about your bank balance. Nowhere is there a sack of money with 'Joe's dosh' written on it. No bank actually has all the money implied by those little numbers. They don't actually mean anything. Hell, if everyone were to go to the bank of England now and demand all of their money in solid form then everything would fall apart - your money doesn't actually exist!Rant over.

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I like this idea, especially when you think about your bank balance. Nowhere is there a sack of money with 'Joe's dosh' written on it. No bank actually has all the money implied by those little numbers. They don't actually mean anything. Hell, if everyone were to go to the bank of England now and demand all of their money in solid form then everything would fall apart - your money doesn't actually exist!
Rant over.

Actually, your money actually does exist, its just that some is stashed away some place safe, not at the bank, and the rest is used to give out loans to other people. I do see how worthless money is, all money does is make people think that they are trading for something useful/ important; however, I do believe money makes things easier when trying to buy/ trade.

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Cash is just a tangible expression of my trading power.If I have a five-dollar bill, then my trading power is lower than if I had a ten-dollar bill. I can get fewer items...I can choose from fewer things...etc.With more modern transactions - writing checks, using debit/credit cards, paying via PayPal - it's not tangible. I never see the cash. I see a bank statement that tells me how much I've earned and spent. I don't actually hand over cash.But either way - tangible or intangible - the money is standardized. Five dollars in my bank account is the same as five dollars cash in my pocket. So...at least we can say that much :P

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Would have to agree with many of the above. Money in the bank, is very similar to money in the pocket. It all depends on how much you got, for example 5 dollars in pocket may get u a lesser item, while having 10 dollars may get you either a better item, or more of the lesser item (eg 5 may get you a McD's meal, but 10 may get you either a large McDs meal or 2 regular size McD's meals).

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Actually, money is simply a way humans have devised to seize as much resources for themselves and their families, without going to war for it!! This way, if you want more comforts, etc than the people around you, you place yourself in a superior economic position and seize resources using economic power alone.A mugger, strangely enough, and few realize it, is simply a human reverting to earlier laws. He seizes resources by the strength of his arm/his weapons, instead of by using the more civilized tools. In a sense, and those with wisdom can see it, he is doing no more wrong than a millionaire who amasses a massive amount of wealth and spends it on creature comforts while hundreds of thousands on the planet starve/live in dire poverty.Resources, for the human race, have always been limited. So each member, each family, has to seize as much as it can for itself, at the cost of others. Money is simply a civilized way of accomplishing this uncivilized and barbaric end.

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money is actually a value generated ,hence no government has the right to say that this money is worthless,its as u said that the if they control what people need they control people ,just assume for a second that the united states goverments dollar has no value than obviously ui will find that bill gates doesnt come to xero ,becuase he has shares in coimpany and stocks ,his big offices and you will find him selling the windows operating sytem in maybe gold or diamonds or even copper maybe even food grains ,but the value of money is calculated by the value generated in the sense of food grains,computers etc or in all one can say its gdp , gross developed product,hence no country can make fake currencies ,if a country does that the value of their money in internetional market falls out and hence there is no point of making fake currencies ,some 10 yrs back there was a country whio did that and hence the value of the currency of that country became a big zero ,that is that particular currency would work only in that country and not in the world ,so if they have to trade with other countries they have to do that only with gold or any other value thing ,just like the tradional barter system

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