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Gun Point

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When i was about 16 years old. I was comming home from school until i got surrounded by maybe 4-5 gang members. I tried to walk away but one of the members pushed me. They kicked me, punched me, they beat me like if i was a pillow. I tried to fight back, no good. I founded my self in a very bad situation, no where to run. I was down in the floor, one of the members wearing a blue sweater takes a gun out and points it at me. It seemed like he was also hesitaiting to shoot! i couldent been dead, all i remember is the Gang member hitting me with the gun and knocking my tooth out as i wake up in the hospital. Since that day on i been taking some boxing plus karate.

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Oh my god. IF this is true then I really feel for you. I'm glad you have taken up a strength bulding related hobbie. The only hope is to maybe find the guys one day when your stronger and beat the hella outter him.That is a very serious sitituation and a not very nice thing to happen to a 16 year old. Well I hope this does not happen to any one..but it can not be stopped. :D Dumb people beating people up for no reason....that's just....

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I wonder if this "gang" member would be so brave, if he was attacking alone, I guess not. This "gang" gives him power and love, he didn't get when he was a child. Sad but true and I despite ppl like this.Crazy story, man, but chin up.

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Firstly, just let me say well done for taking Karate, I my self am part of the British Karate Union. I think self defense is great, although just remember that your not invicible, don't go strutting into anywere thinking that you can take out anyone 'James Bond Style' because all that it will do is give you the edge in a fight, have saying that, it will save your life. I don't know why those guys picked on you, some people just have to do things like that, and there is no exsplenation for it. I don't think anyone would really ever fire for no reason atall. You must not feel bad about the ordeal man - you did everything you could. I am very close to the idea of martial arts and self defense, -( I have 4 sites on them ) and I just want to let you know that there is nothing else you could have done in that situation. Your lucky to be alive, and you should just thank God for that. Like I said, Karate WILL save your life one day so keep it up, I know it's a little tough at times, I've been there so just give it your heart. Good Luck, Sean Webber (alive).

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Your a very lucky man, I have a friend that learned karate when he was 10 and at the age of 15 3 people jumped him and took his bike he didnt do nothin :P

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