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The State Of The Union whatd you think?

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Did anyone watch it? If you did... what did you think...I think it would be nice to follow through with some of those environmental plans... I like how he set things up in ten year goals... but considering all of those ten years will be under someone else's presidency, i think it takes a bit of the responsibility off of Bush... I also noticed that every time the guy behind him got up and clapped everyone else there did too... and when bush took a drink of water... so did the guy behind him (dunno his name >.<) just thought id point that out

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The "10-Year-Goals" remind me too much of Lenin and Stalin's Five Year Plans in name. I'm not sure anyone really listened to this State Of The Union address seriously. Bush can't restore himself in the eyes of the ~70% of people who don't approve of him. The pressing issue was when the "War" in Iraq would end (sorry, I consider a war to be something where two armies or two significant forces are against each other, not when the United States is accomplishing the senior Bush's dream by weeding out a country and fighting with a small (in comparison with the Army) cluster of insurgents), and of course, domestic changes at home. When Bush says "to guard America against all evil", I really don't quite get it. Terrorism only went up after the "War" started. Before then, terrorism in the United States was a purely domestic affair. My view is that, in the first Gulf War, Bush Sr. angered terrorists enough that they probably chose an iconic moment to screw us over. But does that really mean that we have to take on another country, abandoning entirely our purpose for going to war at all (finding Osama)?


I think Bush's method of redemption was through these economic, environmental, and healthcare plans. I didn't read past the first page of the State Of The Union transcript, but I have a feeling that it won't be enough of an answer to the question of why we've spent so much time concentrating on the Middle East? Why not sooner?


Thanks for trying, Bush. Thanks for trying.


Complete transcript: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/16672456/page/2/

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Lol yea... it doesn't seem like much of a war.. to me a war a series of battles by two or more conflicting bodies that results in a winner and a looser... For it to be called a war is kind putting the U.S down because we have sent a lot of troops over there... and if we were fighting a "war" in the general meaning of the war... either we should have won... or something is wrong... I never really liked bush... but i just figure id point out that he thought about the environment... because i am an .... environmentalist so to speak?(Vote Ralph Nadar) ;) jk jk

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